Bouvier and Kauffman Families

Pierre Gervais LEMAY

Person Chart


Father Date of Birth Mother Date of Birth
Simon Lemay 1693 Marie Anne Richer 14 Apr 1700

Person Events

Event Type Date Place Description
Birth 05 Jan 1723 Saint Anne de la Perade, Champlain, Quebec, Canada
Christening 07 Jan 1723 Saint Anne de la Perade, Champlain, Quebec, Canada
Marriage 07 Apr 1750 Saint Croix, Lotbiniere, Quebec, Canada
Death 24 May 1789 St Nicolas, Levis, Quebec, Canada
Burial 25 May 1789 St Nicolas, Levis, Quebec, Canada


Pierre Gervais died suddenly at age 67. Exemption had to be granted to Pierr e Gervais Lemay and Marie Barbe Martel for their marriage by the Bishop of Que bec because they were cousins to the 2nd degree. (Second cousins). Pierre died suddenly at about 12 noon. Witnesses were: Pierre Gerva is Voyer and Marie Aime Gariepy.