Meanwhile, back in the office…
On Monday I made my return to the office, after an almost week-long absence. Believe it or not, it was nice to go back to work. I’m glad I had four days to be with Cheryl. I think the time we spent mostly alone and at home was therapeutic. What’s more, I don’t feel I’ve ever been closer to my wonderful bride of seven years (and good friend for darn near fourteen). Just the same, it was nice to be busy. As some would attest, I can get rather involved with a task once I dive in. Once I buy into the job, my attention focuses 100%, leaving nothing left over for other things I’d rather not think about. Monday was just such a day. On a sad note, I said what may be a final farewell to someone I’ve enjoyed working with for the last several years. I’m certain that I’ve not made nearly the impact in reverse, which makes me feel all the worse for opportunities that are lost to the passing of time. Sometime the rate of people leaving my life will at least slow down a little. Sometime I’ll figure out how to be a better friend – hell, a friend period – and people won’t disappear from my life just because they aren’t so close geographically.