Thank you.

for the loving and understanding wife, for the cool daughter, for the job I like, for the father I could look up to, for the mother who did her best, for the sisters whom I’m so proud of (like I had anything to do with it), for my grandmother who gave us so much, for Pops and Honey – who packed a lot of love in the short time I had with them, for my only aunt who I always thought was really cool, for my in laws who tolerate me even when I don’t deserve it, for all of the other family members who I didn’t mention but deserved to be, for the people who appeared in my life to give me timely guidance just when I needed it, for my good fortune to have so much provided for me growing up, for having the time to show my daughter I love her, for all of the cool stuff I have at home to play with, for the time to sit here and relax, for my relatively new found confidence in myself, for just enough humility to keep it from going to my head, for what little sense of humor I have, for my first thirty years, and for teaching me that any thing can happen and being able to look forward to the next thirty because of it, instead of in spite of it.