Kitchen Sink

A pinch of cold

It’s not what many would consider winter, but it’s often as close as we get deep in the southeast. Last night a “strong” cold front moved through, spawning the usual collection of high winds and tornadoes (ho-hum). We hit our high of 70 this morning (chills you to the bone, I’m sure). Still, the air feels much drier than usual, giving us a brief taste of cool, crisp air.

I’m sitting back, relaxing in our living room, with “A Charlie Brown Christmas” playing in the background. The soft jazzy soundtrack has become one of my Christmas season favorites. It’s relaxing, with a touch of Christmas sound. Although I never really thought much of it as a child, it has grown on me. Remembering those evenings spent watching the special on TV as a child, it carries a bit of nostalgia. Yet the music doesn’t sound childish to my older ear. The vocal version of “Christmas Time Is here” is almost a psalm for the season.

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I'm sorry but I can't sum me up in this limited amount of space. No, I take that back. I'm not sorry.

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