Our Stay at Bay.
We planned to take this trip months ago. Ever since our stay at Magnolia one year ago, Beth has been pleading with us to go back to the cabins. This year the drive up was not as pleasant. Last year I was sick, but the drive was great. This year Cheryl was sick and I was in pain. The drive was a chore instead of a relaxing break. Last year we arrived at the cabins after a mild cold front had passed thru, and the air was crisp and refreshing. This year we arrived with a nearly stationary upper level low, and the sky was cloudy, the air heavy with humidity. Everything was musty from the dampness and Cheryl immediately reached for her inhailer. It was an inauspiscious start.
After checking in and dropping off our gear at the cabin, we headed back into town to pick up some perishable provisions. Cheryl was amazed that a small town Food Lion would have a larger selection than a suburban Publix with twice the square footage. We found all of the prepackaged foods that we enjoy so much at home and headed back to the cabin. We eased into dinner. Afterwards I eased into a headache. Neither Tylenol nor Motrin would beat the monster back, so I just went to bed.
The next morning I awoke the sound of raindrops on the roof. I immediately had the urge to go outside to see. Is that strange, having the urge to see rain? I guess I don’t see it all that much in Florida. Besides, it’s strangely relaxing, watching the rain. A downpour gives you just the opposite of peace and quiet, but it can produce the same effect – tranquility. So at last I find what was missing from our last trip, but under much different cercumstances. I sat on the porch, Beth quietly playing inside, typing away on my iBook with the roar of the pouring rain just a few feet away.