Sometimes, having a window office is not all it’s cracked up to be. First, there’s the productivity problem. For those of us who are easily distracted, a window to the great outdoors can be disasterous. Then there’s the good old green house effect. You give me a window facing the sun and I’ll give you a hot office. Finally, there’s a sense of loss when you have a window. My office is at tree level. I can see a courtyard below and the sky above, but looking straight out I see branches and leaves. The trees are really close too, so I can see all of the action when a pair of squirrels chase each other around like an old episode of CHIPS. O.K., that’s all fine and good, but what does that have to do with loss? Well, today is a fine example. It is a fantastic day outside, by the looks of it. Many people would feel disturbed about working when they could be outside relaxing. That’s not my problem. I’m just as content to do my work as any other day. (Just keep your mouth shut Cheryl.) But what I wouldn’t give to be able to open one of the windows… to hear the breeze gently blowing through the branches right outside, to feel that cool breeze blowing in my face, to fill my nostrils with the smell of the woods…
I could work like that.