You’re never too tired…
to ride on a nice day. I rode into the office this morning, exhausted. It was cold (for Florida) and the chilly morning ride sapped my reserves. Much later, quitting time came and I got back on my bike for the return ride home. By the afternoon the weather turned perfect. By the time I reached the entrance to the office parking lot I was invigorated. The sun was shinning, a gentle breeze was blowing, and the air was dry and cool. Despite being tired all day, I worked it pretty hard the whole way home. It never feels so good have your muscles hurt so much, racing home against an imaginary foe. There was traffic but it was background noise to my heart racing, the air rushing past my face, and the wheels whispering to the smooth asphalt.
I’m home now. I’ve been home for hours. Showered and sheathed in my flannel PJs, I feel wonderfully spent.