Going down?

Let’s see… the wife is feeling worse?
The kid had a bad day at school?
Cancel out on an anticipated weekend getaway?
Up past my bedtime?
Wax sentimental about a great week prematurely?

Sometimes weeks are like that. You never can tell when it will all make a run for the crapper. Is it better to have had good days and left them behind, than to never have had them at all? Would you feel the same if one of those good ones was as recent as yesterday? I suppose it’s better than the whole week swirling away into a dismal abyss.

Someone really ought to take my computer away from me at bed time. My life would come across so much more cheery in this thing.

Tomorrow is a new day. A day of opportunity, of possibility. Oh shit, a day closer to having to mow the lawn again!?! Remember the good old days; back when the days were getting shorter, the weather was getting cooler, and the lawn was beginning to die? Ah, that was the life.


It’s time to start counting sheep.