
Vacation vs School.

Unfortunately, our trip conflicts with school. After a prolonged battle concerning whether it was wise to have Beth out of school for so long, we’re going anyway. I’ll just say that I lost. It’s not because I don’t want to go. I’m dying to go. I’m just worried about the precedent this sets. I want Beth to know that school is our top priority. So what do we do…
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Beth’s progress in school.

I am happy to report that Beth seems to be doing quite well. We haven’t had an “angry gram” in two weeks. Beth has had nothing but good things to say about school since she started. She has even gotten homework, which she has jumped into with enthusiasm and diligence (the lone exception being when we tried to get her to finish up an assignment at the Olive Garden, just before our…
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Are you ready for another vacation?

On Thursday we leave home again for far away places. Let me say that in our house, far away places include anyplace outside Pinellas County. We are off to New England for a wedding and re-acquaintance with our roots. This trip will be shorter than our norm, but we hope to pack in all of the excitement of a longer trip. This is where I’m supposed to say that I’m really looking forward…
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Current Events

Are you ready for a war?

The other day someone asked me what I thought about a possible armed conflict with Iraq. Like my coworker, I don’t really know what to think. What bothers me is, why is this suddenly so important now? As I understand it, the arguments being used for going to war have been valid for five or six years. You might say it’s different now with a new administration. In other words, it was…
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Kitchen Sink

Making the bed.

In Thirty odd years I’ve never had any major problems with the laws of physics while making my bed. On Saturday I expected this trend to continue. I was attempting to spread the top sheet across the bed in the time tested fashion: I stood at one end of the bed, grabbed hold of one end of the sheet, and in one continuous motion I threw my arms out in front of me then pulled the end of the…
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Thirty plus one.

By the time I post this entry, it will be the 31st anniversary of my birth into this world. After last year, this one does not seem all that important. When you grow up the milestone birthdays seem to be fewer and further between. More importantly, you aren’t nearly as excited to see them pass. Having said that, I feel that it is important to note that I am just as happy to turn 31 as I was…
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Beth is indeed a challenge.

Something rare has just occurred. I’m recounting this event having just lived through it moments before. Thrilling, isn’t it? I’m sitting here in my doctor’s office, making sure the latest allergy shot won’t kill me, and who gets up to have their shots checked? It was Mrs. Weeks, Beth’s kindergarten teacher (and one time teacher of the middle child in my first…
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Sanibel is swell.

This weekend was the trip to Sanibel, and it was everything I hoped it would be. Well, that’s not quite true. I had hoped the Gators would fare better, but that didn’t have anything to do with where I saw the game so I can’t hold it against Sanibel. You probably won’t find this a stretch (having read the last paragraph), but I like to relax. This weekend presented plenty of…
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