3W forever!
You don’t have to check the date on the last post to know I haven’t been spending a lot of time writing for this site. It’s an off and on hobby that’s mostly been off, so I decided to cut back on my expenses and migrate to a cheaper host. Yes, I know what you’re thinking. You’re asking yourself, “Wait? LESS EXPENSIVE? You mean to tell me…
Have you seen a black cat around these parts? Have you heard me, Cheryl, or Adam mention the name Kuro? Well, I’ve burried the lede – but we got a cat.
Not very interesting, eh?
Maybe this part will pique your interest.
Our kids have been asking for a pet for years. Beth wanted one, and she never got one. Adam wanted one and we consistently told him he couldn’t have one. We had a good…
Our oldest child turns 20 today. I’m tempted to get all reflective and tell you what this means to me. But you know what? It’s not about me so much anymore. She’s a strong, smart young woman. It’s gratifying to think I may have had a role in her growth but she’s been opening her own doors for a while now.
Have a Happy Birthday kid! You deserve it!
(Don’t mind…
I spent 15 minutes this evening reading Ted Nugent quotes. You know, to see if it was fair to call Kathy Griffin the Ted Nugent of the Left.
But I had an epiphany and stopped. It occurred to me that I don’t care if what he said is equivalent to what she did.
Neither are worth that much of my time – especially not when I’m already depressed.
I could be doing something more…
Hi all! Your favorite Floridian here! Well, at least top 50, right? Maybe/definitely inside your good fortune 500 at least… right?
It's hot here in sunny (-er than it has any right to be) Florida, and I've come across a bright side to selling our house.
OK, it’s been three years. No one said I was perfect.
Yesterday and today (Saturday and Sunday) I was riding through the…
The scene of the crime
Freaking socks! Who knew?
Well, apparently you knew.
Dammit man! Why was I the last one to know THAT useful nugget ‘o wisdom?
Actually, socks are a handy suspect right now. The alternatives – and there are a lot of them, especially if you have an anxiety disorder – are not so easily fixed. Socks? Heck, you take ‘em off or you put something else on over ‘em.
Let’s try this again. I hope this will be everything it would have been yesterday.
I’ve got some big, site related news! As of December 1st, 2016, our site has been in it’s twentieth year of operation! No, we’re not twenty yet. That doesn’t happen until December of this year, but by then I’d only get one magical month were the copyright notice said: 1997 –…
All right!
So, I was on my way downstairs to write you a post. I’d been upstairs thinking on this one for almost an hour now. You know, that time on the weekend when you don’t have anything you have to do, you’ve slept-in like a teenager, and you’re awake but you don’t feel like getting out of bed… so you don’t.
Sorry, I know I’m mostly speaking to adults here. I don’t mean to…