Important StuffPolitics

Offshore oil drilling

Some polls indicate more americans favor lifting Federal restrictions on offshore oil drilling.* A site I visit frequently explains why you shouldn’t drink the Kool-aid: you’re being fed a load of crap. Climate Progress: The oil companies already have access to some 34 billion barrels of offshore oil they haven’t even developed yet, but ending the federal moratorium on offshore…
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Important Stuff

Light it up

From Treehugger: When Lighting Your Water on Fire Isn’t a Magic Trick Jessica Ernst lives in the village of Rosebud, Alberta, East of Calgary. EnCana, a big oil & gas company, is operating close to her house. The photo above speaks for itself. So the big question: is the water from her well just naturally flammable (I suspect it’s not), or has the process of drilling/extracting…
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Important Stuff


Climate Progress: Independence Day may be the best day to ask ourselves — what is the greatest, preventable threat to Americans’ life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness (LLPH)… Between Homeland Security and the Pentagon, we spend billions of dollars every month to try to prevent terrorism… But unrestricted greenhouse gas emissions are by far the greatest preventable threat to…
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Important StuffPoliticsThe Sunshine State

Tuna waffle

I wonder if Charlie is feeling a little heat… The gov’s words, via St Pete Times: “Only when we are able to do so far enough from Florida’s coast, safe enough for our people, and clean enough for our beaches, should we even consider increasing our oil supply by drilling off Florida’s shore. Let me repeat: far enough, safe enough and clean enough.” But allow me…
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Important StuffPoliticsThe Sunshine State

Oil on my mind - or - A well oiled rant

Sorry for the swearing… For the moment, let’s set aside the merits of offshore drilling. It seems to me like some “conservatives” (note the strategic use of my buddy, the quotation mark) bat around the words “offshore drilling” like it’s an act of patriotism; a shared sacrifice for a greater good. I think it’s code for building a bunch of oil…
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Important StuffPoliticsThe Sunshine State

Light tuna in oil

McClatchy: Describing his position as evolving, Florida Gov. Charlie Crist said he now supports exploratory drilling for oil and gas off Florida’s coast because “Floridians are suffering…” The National Petroleum Council estimates the eastern Gulf might hold 36.7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 5.2 billion barrels of oil. Others doubt those numbers but say there is…
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Important Stuff

Can you see?

I remember the evening my father told me about pollution. I don’t remember how old I was, but I know it was sometime after we moved to Florida (I must have been at least eight). I remember being out in the back yard with the telescope, my dad explaining why it wasn’t the best place for stargazing. That night, I remember learning about leaded gasoline, catalytic converters, and smog. I…
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Important StuffPolitics

Passing gas

Before I begin, I warn you that the standard disclaimer applies: it’s quite possible I don’t know what I’m talking about. Wheh! Now that I’m free of that burden (responsibility) I’m ready to rock and roll. It seems those pesky Democrats are up to no good again, making noise about ending tax breaks to oil companies in order to raise money for… get this&#8230…
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Important Stuff

Au naturel

No, this is not a post about nudity (though I’m bound to get a few disappointed googlers after this first sentence). No, this post touches on my recent efforts to eat and dress better. In addition to trying freshen up our diet with more organically grown veggies, I’ve done a little searching for low impact clothing. A co-worker suggested organic cotton and bamboo. Bamboo? Are we…
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