Kitchen SinkSports

Leaving work at work

The only time I think about work at home is when someone asks, “So how’s work?” Tonight was the exception. The Gators advanced to the basketball championship game, and the first thing I thought of was my buddy at work. “THE GATORS??” he asked belligerently at the start of the tournament. “They haven’t played anyone.” That may be true, but…
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Current EventsSports

The Urban league

If ESPN sources can be believed, the Urban era at the University of Florida has begun. Where were you when you first heard the news? I was sitting in court. I got a voice mail message from one of my coworkers on my cell phone while I was sitting in a hearing. Thinking it was an important call, I stepped outside to retrieve the message. As it turned out, it was an important call. Now the inevitable…
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Kitchen SinkSports

Take me out to the woodshed.

A little corporal punishment would have been less painful than watching the Gators lose this afternoon. Oddly enough, I enjoyed myself at Busch Gardens this morning. No one else was there and we walked onto everything we wanted to ride. Cheryl was gracious enough to let me set the pace, and I set it to the lowest setting. Even my sleep deprived body was up to a casual stroll through a moderate…
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A Gator’s perspective. “Who cares about college football?”, you may be asking yourself. Well I’m glad you asked. Imagine college football gameday. Its an image that comes easily to me. You are in a relatively small college town that seems to double in population six weekends every fall. On Friday, the school campus begins to resemble a K.O.A. Alumni and students gather to discuss past…
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