
Minority shareholder

I’ll bet you didn’t know I owned Apple. No, not AN apple. This isn’t a post about an epic journey to the grocery store. This is the story of something I wanted to do for a long time: buy stock in my favorite computer company. This isn’t a story of buying low and selling high, of market savvy, or mad money. This is a love story. If you’ve been on Apple train for the…
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Family and Friends


My parents came over for dinner a few weeks ago, much as they do every Saturday, but this week my dad brought something for me. It was an old, manila envelope addressed to me (at my parents house), postmarked sometime in 1990. It was from my maternal grandmother and it brought back a slew of memories. In the emotional days of fall, 2001, my grandmother passed away. She was the last of my…
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Kitchen Sink

Letter I wrote

I was going to hold off on this post for another week, but I really need to write something happy today. The following is a letter I wrote to a good friend a number of years ago (blame the 2001 me for the writing). — It was the beginning of my second year at UF and it was a terrible semester. I was unsure of my future plans and I was lonely. After my first year (in the dorms), a group of my…
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Something Lost

Your mother wasn’t feeling well last night or this morning, so we called her doctor. The pain was worrisome but not unbearable. The doctor took us right in this morning and gave your mother an ultrasound to see how you were doing. I have no medical training, but I knew enough looking at the monitor to know we will never get the chance to meet. I noticed the nurse wasn’t saying…
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