It came in the mail

I was in college when I got my first SLR camera. It was an inexpensive (re: free) Pentax. A gift in fact, something that wasn’t getting any use from it’s previous owner. I got it with three lenses: an awkward telephoto zoom, a 50mm and a 35mm. When it broke we bought a Canon Rebel with a kit lens, then a “super-zoom” digital camera, then our current Nikon – again with a kit lens (plus a zoom lens suited for shooting outdoor activities).

Nothing was as fast as those lenses on the old Pentax, and I missed ’em.

Until now.

I’ve had the new Nikon 35mm f/1.8 on back order for a while now, and I found it on my doorstep this evening coming home from work with the kids. It couldn’t have come at at better time. Today was a rotten day.

Here’s some of the first pics. I know it’s a little redundant, showing them in a post when they show up in my Flickr feed in the sidebar, but I can’t resist.

I love Adam’s look in this one. So serious… the lighting so sinister… my sweet child in his Mickey shirt.


The first of several pics taken outside. It was raining and late in the day so the light wasn’t terribly bright.


Pretty much sums up Adam… or as much as any one picture can.


Cheryl told Adam he could get an alligator from the Build-a-Bear store if he was good for dad while she was gone. He picked out the shirt himself, I swear.