
Socks: innocent undergarment or covert killer?

The scene of the crime Freaking socks! Who knew? Well, apparently you knew. Dammit man! Why was I the last one to know THAT useful nugget ‘o wisdom? Actually, socks are a handy suspect right now. The alternatives – and there are a lot of them, especially if you have an anxiety disorder – are not so easily fixed. Socks? Heck, you take ‘em off or you put something else on over ‘em.
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Neither shaken, stirred, nor concussed!

All right! So, I was on my way downstairs to write you a post. I’d been upstairs thinking on this one for almost an hour now. You know, that time on the weekend when you don’t have anything you have to do, you’ve slept-in like a teenager, and you’re awake but you don’t feel like getting out of bed… so you don’t. Sorry, I know I’m mostly speaking to adults here. I don’t mean to…
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