The good stuff
I want to say publicly that I am proud of my daughter. A short time ago she got her first report card of the ‘big kid era.’ I was her first report card on the A – F grading scale, and therefore her first opportunity to make the honor roll – which she made.
Then last week I picked her up from Tae Kwon Do and caught the tail end of her lesson. She had been one of three yellow-belts picked to demonstrate her “form” to the rest of the class. Not only did she do it correctly (with a big improvement over the last time I watched), but the other kids did not. She was able to go through her form without error, and without the other kids’ mistakes distracting her.
Author’s note: a “form” is similar to a dance routine. When practiced in a group, it’s like watching a dance line. However, when one person makes a mistake – the mistake is often contagious. Kids see what others are doing, and if they’re not confident in themselves they’ll follow their neighbor… even if their neighbor is wrong. Think about your child and about your childhood. It may be that the only thing worse than making a mistake is being the only one making the mistake. On second thought, forget about your childhood. I think it may be true for everyone. Feeling stupid is one thing… but feeling uniquely stupid is a whole new level of humiliation.
I knew if I worked hard enough I could end on a negative note.