In the last month or so I’ve learned a few new terms, and become more intimate with a few familiar ones.
There’s CBC (complete blood count), hepatosplenomegaly, neutrophils, monocytes, thrombocytopenia, anemia, and Leukemia.
I’ve also learned new variations on shock, anxiety, guilt, fear, depression, and fatigue.
I’ll cut to the chase: two doctors (my “PCP” and…
1. I very likely have cancer, and I’m wicked tired.
2. My back hurts… just because it often does… but also because of that damn bone marrow biopsy (although that could just be in my head).
3. Cheryl’s back is thoroughly out of whack, putting her completely out of commission.
4. It has been a fabulous day outside today (and I’ve spent all of it inside).
5. I’m a…
High definition television is pretty cool. I may get over it in the days or weeks to come, once the novelty has worn off; but I find myself watching – and enjoying – sporting events that I wouldn’t have otherwise watched – let alone enjoyed. (There’s a long sentence for you!) For example, two weeks ago the idea of watching a NY Rangers game sans Lightning would have…
It was everything I thought it would be and more. It wasn’t very painful but I couldn’t get my mind off the fact that they were driving a big hollow needle into my back (or more precisely, my pelvic bone).
They had me lie on my side in a fetal position, then gave me a local anesthetic. Then they said I’d feel some pressure, but not much pain. They were right on the pain…
The National Rifle Association is urging the Bush administration to withdraw its support of a bill that would prohibit suspected terrorists from buying firearms.
NRA: Don’t ban gun sales to terror suspects – U.S. Security –
This could be my favorite news story of the week. It makes me wonder why the NRA is still so influential. How can a group with this little…
Recently seen in the Kauffman house: Beth and Adam fighting over who got to take out the garbage. Mind you, they weren’t arguing over who HAD to take out the garbage, but who GOT to take out the garbage… like it was a privilege, not a chore.
It’d be really something if this trend continued.
“No, I WANT to carry in the groceries.”
“No, I WANT to take a shower…
The Pentagon survey found that less than half the troops in Iraq thought Iraqi civilians should be treated with dignity and respect. More than a third believed that torture was acceptable if it helped save the life of a fellow soldier or if it helped get information about the insurgents. About 10% of those surveyed said they had actually mistreated Iraqi civilians by hitting or kicking them, or…
I’ve run across all kinds of folks on my virtual travels recently, one of which suggested a piece of software I hadn’t heard about. That’s really the beauty of the internet – there’s all kinds of stuff out there you hadn’t heard about.
This post serves no greater purpose than to fiddle… and to exercise my fingers a bit (they’re the only things that…
In only the second veto of his presidency, Bush rejected legislation pushed by Democratic leaders that would require the first U.S. combat troops to be withdrawn by Oct. 1 with a goal of a complete pullout six months later. “This is a prescription for chaos and confusion and we must not impose it on our troops,” Bush said in a nationally broadcast statement from the White House.