A few years ago I wrote what remains my most visited post – and my favorite post. I thought about it today, sitting at home sick. It’s about writing obviously, but it’s also about me and my wife.
I haven’t felt like sitting in front of the iMac’s camera for another “Home Alone” video, but this seemed fitting.
So here it is, just the audio this time…
I’m sorry again kids. It’s going on 11pm and I’m just getting home. It wasn’t a bad day, just long… but way too long for a video.
My hearings went well, if a little long. There’s some bleed over to tomorrow to finish things up, but that’s ok.
Mom will be glad to know the bank got the appraisal back from the appraiser. It was more than we thought, so one…
I’m really sorry kids, but no video tonight. I have it “in the can,” so to speak, but I found some things I have to take out – mostly work stuff I’m not really allowed to post in a public forum. It’s after bedtime, I just got back from dinner with Uncle Eric, Aunt Lisa, your cousins, and grandma/grandpa… so I don’t have the time or energy to do it…
This is a warning to all friends, family, acquaintances, folks who see me on the street and swear I’m their cousin Bill from Wisconsin, and strangers:
This could be the worst video you see on the internets all day.
My self-esteem isn’t so low I think I’ll win the race to the bottom for long, with the volume of “stuff” uploaded daily. In fact, I may not be in the lead…