
Reading between the lines

At a time when the current Republican administration is (in)famously pushing the voter fraud agenda on the Department of Justice (seemingly setting quotas for prosecutions, wether there are real cases of voter fraud to prosecute or not), I thought this press release from Project Vote was interesting: Washington, DC–Late last week, the federal Election Assistance Commission (EAC) published…
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Terrorists, Iraq, and the U.S. Military

Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) were on Meet the Press Sunday morning to discuss Iraq. Since it is impossible for a Republican to say the word “Iraq” without “al-Qaeda” in the same sentence, I was treated to another round of “why it is important to defeat al-Qaeda in Iraq.” My head starts to hurt every time I hear a politician say we need to…
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Kitchen Sink

I want to cry

A terrible pall has enshrouded my weekend. It started with a ring of my doorbell. An unassuming man with a pen and a composition notebook was standing at my door, clad in his company t-shirt… a tree service. He allowed as how they were working on a tree down the street, and noticed my tree. I was immediately suspicious, but I listed to his spiel. We get these kinds of solicitations all the…
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Saying the obvious

I’ve been trying to post this entry for most of this week. Between the news, blogs, and private discussions I’ve been trying to put my finger on how I feel about the POTUS. By the way… I like saying POTUS, particularly when it comes to this president. When you stress the first syllable, with a slightly snide curling of the lips, it kind of sounds like an insult. “Shut up…
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Important Stuff

Our health

If you’ve been paying attention to the news in the U.S. you know health care is on people’s minds. Talk has been spreading almost as fast as the ranks of the uninsured/underinsured. Michael Moore has fanned the flames of debate, spawning talk about the universal coverage offered by our fellow industrialized nations. We hear lots of stories in the U.S. about Canadians crossing our…
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Kitchen Sink

The Semi-Official Williams Wedding Stick in the Mud

This is one of a handful of entries that have been sitting around gathering dust. I wrote this a little over a year ago, but never got around to posting it… The base is loud enough to mix a drink, my head hurts, and I have to pee. Routine bodily functions are not usually fodder for sharing, but I’ve really gotta go and the men’s room is out of order. So I’m sitting outside…
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