What can I say about my daughter that you haven’t already heard? Would you believe that I have something? Yes indeed I do. If you know us, you may have heard us allude to Beth’s fondness for exploring limits. This weekend, Beth learned new vertical limits. On Saturday we were playing a game that can best be described as a cross between hide and go seek and dodge ball. We had been at it…
In kindergarten, there apparently is a no moving around policy in the lunch room. In other words, once you find a seat you stay in it until you are done. Beth has been given an exception to this rule. She has been told that if someone at her table is eating a peanut product, she is allowed to move due to her peanut allergy. Well, I was talking with her teacher and she recounted recent story from…
I consider it a natural law of the human experience; we tend to find more joy in the unexpected moments than in those that are more routine.
If there is anything that makes me feel like a failure as a parent, it is that neither myself nor my wife has more time to spend with Beth in her school related activities. Both of us work, so we are not often available to strike out with her class on many of…
Mommy and Daddy were having a little disagreement. Beth was caught in the middle, sitting at the table trying to do her homework. After this discussion began to wind down and mommy left the room, Beth called out, “mommy, stop being argumentative!”
“What did you say?”, mommy asked incredulously from the other room.
“Argumentative”, Beth responded.
Beth and Cory could not decide which house they wanted to play at this weekend. Cory said, “can I play at your house Beth?” Beth replied, “can I play at your house Cory?” This went back and forth about as you would expect for a conversation between a five year old and a four year old. Finally, an exasperated Beth took Cory by the shoulder, lovingly shook him and said…
Beth went up for the children’s sermon in church on Sunday and gave the whole congregation a heaping helping of BETH. The church member giving the children’s sermon asked a young boy to volunteer to be John. She (the ranking adult) told him that he was going to be “the light.” Then she asked another group of kids to walk up next to the altar and imagine that they were in a…
We are eagerly awaiting Beth’s next trip to the allergist. Beth, like many small children, does not like shots. Beth’s next trip to the allergist will involve skin testing. Hoo wee, that should be just swell. I brought Beth to one of my trips for allergy shots recently. Beth was so disturbed by the prospect of anyone getting shots she had to leave the room. I had these grand visions of…
Vacation is just around the corner, and the week gets longer as the days grow fewer. There are now just two full days before we leave, but it feels like two weeks. I can take comfort in the fact that I am not alone in my agony. Beth has been wallowing for at least the last week and a half. “We are going on vacation today, aren’t we daddy?” “No Beth, we’ve got (x) more…
Veterans Day is a holiday for state employees in Florida. It is not a school holiday.
Little did we know, our alarm was about to take a holiday too.
It was seven-thirty, a full hour after Cheryl and I had hoped to be up. We had exactly thirty minutes to get Beth fed, dressed and out the door. On our best morning, when post alarm events mesh with Swiss precision, we all get out the door in 45…