
State of the Kauffmans

The obvious place to start is Cheryl, the recently cut open. The doctor said she’d have a rough weekend and she did. Hoo-ray for the wisdom granted those who study modern medicine! It’s supposed to start getting better this week, so maybe we’re almost in the clear. It seems like the end is near. I mean that in a good way, but with every bit of sarcasm mixed in you can muster. In…
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Growing up

Beth doesn’t look forward to school. She’s not afraid of the subjects or the work. She’s one of many of children who go to school afraid of the other kids. I was one of those kids. I’ve been thinking about my school days a lot lately, with all the messages I’ve received about a high school reunion coming up this year. The small minded, vengeful little prick in me…
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A butterfly sneezes in China and my back hurts

The Mac turned 25 this week. I’m one of the privileged few to have one all this time. I was twelve when my father came home from Ray’s Connecting Point with the first Mac. I didn’t buy my own Mac until my freshman year at UF – a sweet Mac Plus with a full MB of RAM, an external hard drive, and an ImageWriter II – a set up that only set me back a few grand of…
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Kid comforts dad

I had another conversation with Beth about bullies in school this evening. Once again I tried to explain why some kids are mean. Once again dad didn’t have all the answers. “You know, I was a bit like you when I was in school. Kids thought I was a little different and they picked on me a lot too. You may get a little of that from me. I’m really sorry.” “You…
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Credit due

I was picking on Beth earlier, at Cheryl’s behest. Now the good parent wants to toss a little praise around. I woke up late for Church this morning and Beth was already up. Not only had she made her own breakfast and was almost done (pancakes), but she’d fed Adam too. I came staggering out of my room with excruciating pain in my sinuses, dreading trying to get the kids ready on the…
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Our poor Beth

We’re not perfect parents, but I like to think we’re at least average. Beth is on the cusp of that time when parents become ogres with wallets. It’s not really like that here, but what fun is a blog if I can’t exaggerate once and a while. There’s a punishment that’s particularly effective with Beth, owing to her love of the computer. She gets that from her…
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BethImportant Stuff

Not afraid

Beth’s stubborn streak can drive me crazy sometimes, but I wouldn’t have her any other way. Her almost complete lack of fear to speak her convictions can push my patience to it’s absolute limit. At the same time, it’s a big part of why I’m so proud of her. (Probably at least in part because I had none of her inner strength when I was her age – which she finds…
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BethImportant Stuff

Listen to me?

At least the kids are listening. I’d swear I covered this a long time ago, but judging from Beth’s reaction to this telling, I’m guessing I didn’t. A couple months ago Beth asked me why we recycle. I told her. Now Beth wants to recycle everything she can. When she can’t, she wants a detailed explanation why not (which usually isn’t sufficient). She figured the…
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