Kitchen Sink

Huff and puff

Ubiquitous. Come on, admit it… you love that word. Personally, I feel like my I.Q. goes up ten points every time I say it. I could feel your need drifting in across the ether, so I worked really hard to come up with a reason to use it this afternoon. A few minutes ago I was thinking about coughing, and my mind naturally turned to my little red friend: a ProAir (albuterol sulfate) inhaler.
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Kitchen Sink

For your information

This is as good a reason I can think of to encourage our kids to do something other than just watching TV all the time (while not forbidding it), help them become educated media consumers, and foster open, healthy, mutually respectful relationships (with them). Mind you, I don’t mean to preach – I’m far from perfect myself. The author will be appearing here (follow link) this…
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Kitchen Sink

Now what?

Once every couple years things fall into place, and I loose myself in a book for the day. It would probably happen more often, but my life has it’s share of distractions (though not necessarily the bad kind). Today was one of those days. Beth spent half the day with her youth group at church. Adam was locked in a low-grade fever/daze, playing uncharacteristically low-key in the other room…
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Kitchen Sink

What writing means to me

After that last post, I decided to post something a little more uplifting – if for no other reason than to remind myself of the good in life. I wrote this for another site last September, so there’s a chance you’ve seen it before (if only a small one). — Chances are you’re going to read this and conclude that my story isn’t unique. I’m o.k. with that.
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Kitchen Sink

My doctor list

A lot of people complain about their pay. How many of you don’t know someone who thinks they should earn more for what they do? I don’t think of myself as one of those people, but even I was a bit miffed about the f…-you-very-much we got from the legislature last year. (That was one of the most gratifying pieces I’ve written for this blog, by the way.) I’d be a fool…
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Kitchen Sink

Friday Night Lights

Thanks to my cousin, I’m addicted to an NBC show you can watch on I saw the movie, and I remember not being overly impressed. I heard NBC was turning it into a television show, and I remember not being overly impressed. I’ve since watched… oh, about twenty-five episodes in the last couple weeks (yes, I am that pathetic), and I am impressed. I was even more impressed…
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Kitchen Sink

Death of a Palm: a fantasy

I wrote about some data I lost on my Palm a while back, and how it was a pain in the keester. I thought I’d recovered most of my important appointments, until this afternoon when my oncologist’s office called to tell me I’d missed my appointment (an hour ago). It was an appointment that didn’t exist as far as my Palm was concerned. You might have heard the wailing and…
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