Kitchen Sink

The Time Traveler's Wife

This book made me cry – and I loved it. It pulled on the strings of my heart for days (maybe weeks) after I finished. I never remember the names of characters in books, sometimes even when I’m in the middle of reading. I seem to know them innately, recognizing them by their traits from line to line. But if I were to set the book down I couldn’t tell you the name of the person I…
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Kitchen Sink

Ready for sleep

The last 48 hours were not a lot by many folk’s standards, but for me it was. Yesterday I worked a normal day, did the grocery shopping, and took care of the weekend’s yard work (mowing, etc). I got in a couple hours sleep before Adam woke up with a bed full of unmentionables. After the laundry got started I got in a couple more hours before he woke up again. Poor little guy. Today I…
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Kitchen Sink

Amazing pipes

Some people hate bagpipes. I love ’em. The European settlers of what is now Dunedin were from Scotland, and their influence survives today. The high school had a pipe band. They made Friday night an event – even if you weren’t interested in football. If their music didn’t get your heart beating faster, marching on and off the field, you didn’t have one to begin with.
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Kitchen Sink

Letter I wrote

I was going to hold off on this post for another week, but I really need to write something happy today. The following is a letter I wrote to a good friend a number of years ago (blame the 2001 me for the writing). — It was the beginning of my second year at UF and it was a terrible semester. I was unsure of my future plans and I was lonely. After my first year (in the dorms), a group of my…
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Kitchen Sink

Wired varmin

Did you know there are rodents that will eat the wiring in your car? Eat may not be the right word. Chew may be closer to the truth. In either case, I’m a victim of such a creature. And I’m not alone. Dozens of folks at my office have suffered the same fate – some more than once. I got off lucky though. I only spent a little over $200 fixing my car. I wasn’t even having any symptoms…
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Kitchen Sink

Hearing voices

I think maybe you can judge a book by its cover – a little anyway. There are aspects of covers that mislead, but I wonder if there are also aspects of my cover that tell more about me than I knew. Take my voice. My mouth is capable of producing a range of sounds, but my default leaves something to be desired. It’s wimpy. It lacks conviction. It’s hollow. But with a little bit of effort I…
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Kitchen Sink

Betrayed by circadian rythm

I really wanted to sleep in this morning, mostly because I was up rather late last night. Trouble is, my body has developed this nasty habit of following a set schedule, regardless of context. As troubling as this sounds, it pales in comparison to a dream and my reaction to it. In my dream it was Monday morning and I was at my office. I was looking through my desk to see if I’d left my torx…
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Kitchen Sink

Another big number goes unnoticed

A blogging friend (who posts a lot more often) noted the passing of a blogging milestone a few days ago, but it didn’t occur to me to look at my own blog (I swear). I didn’t notice the number until I imported all of my stuff from the WordPress database into MacJournal this afternoon: 2023 posts. About twenty of those posts are hidden from view – saved drafts never finished, or…
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Kitchen Sink

A place for all my stuff

There’s something you should know. You are part of an experiment. Some of you may feel like I’ve violated your trust, using you without your permission. If it makes you feel any better, you’re not an important part. If you like feeling important, I’m really sorry. Just being here, reading this post, is all it took. In a few seconds you’re going to start getting tired of this post, and…
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