PoliticsThe Sunshine State

Name your favorite tax

Go ahead. I’m waiting for it. Any time now. What? You don’t have one? I’m not surprised. Taxation has gotten a bum rap since ancient times. Studies have shown that people are into instant gratification. People will choose the lesser reward right away over a delayed, greater reward (up to a certain limit). So is it any wonder that we have little patience for paying taxes? The…
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I did what?

I spent part of my last afternoon of recovery in solitude looking at ’08 presidential candidate videos over at YouTube. I know, conventional wisdom says it’s really early. But consider this, with the front-loaded and obscenely early primary season, each candidate will probably be effectively nominated by the end of January. O.K., seven months is still a little way off, but it’s…
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CancerCurrent EventsPolitics

Part-time cynic

If best intentions hold steady, I’ll be returning to work in some capacity in less than a week’s time. A week is an important psychological boundary for me. When I thought to myself, “I’ve still got a week before I need to go back,” I felt comfortable in knowing that no matter how tired I felt at the moment, I still had a significant amount of time to build up…
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A broken promise to myself

I promised myself that I would not read anything about politics while I was in the hospital. Yeah, and a hash enthusiast is going to eschew wacky tobaccy during Hempfest. Pray tell, what story could be so compelling that I would break my solemn vow of political abstinence? It’s another article in the L.A. Times about the Attorney General scandal… but with a little twist. It’s…
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CancerKitchen SinkPolitics

It’s not easy being green

No, this is not an homage to Jim Henson’s famous muppet, although little Kermie was my favorite. I don’t recall how it happened, but my wife got on Al Gore’s email list, and we’ve had the pleasure of some one-way correspondence ever since. I’m sure we didn’t do anything special to get on the list. The only qualification was probably an address… and…
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I really must get over myself with these corny titles… Anyhoo, most of my pre-chemo reading this evening has been on the un-candidacy of Al Gore. It started with a reference to the Time piece, and concluded with a piece from Politico.com. Here’s a little piece of the Politico.com article: Other Democrats note that Gore’s message, with its stinging indictment of both American…
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Family and FriendsImportant StuffPolitics

Scared sick

The other night we had a family get-together. Over dinner we discussed the good fortunes of a niece/cousin who won $250K from the lottery. “She’s so lucky, I’ll bet her life is a lot easier now…” one person said. Always the Devil’s advocate, I disagreed. “Does she still have to work? Does she still have to take care of the kids every day? Does she still…
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Hypocrisy, Irony, or Empathy

I read an interesting article over at Media Matters: Like rain on your wedding day, by Jamison Foser. The point of the article was to discuss the fairness of attacks on John Edwards in recent weeks for being a wealthy man, living a wealthy man’s lifestyle, at the same time he’s advocating for the poor. Glenn Beck claimed on his May 9 show to be outraged that a rich man would talk about…
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I was having a light conversation with a coworker this afternoon about the ideal form of government for emergent democracies. I’ll bet you have this kind of discussion about as often as I do… not very. So imagine my surprise when I opened up The New Republic this evening and saw an article about George Tenet. Well alright, I wasn’t surprised at all. He does have a new book out…
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