Current EventsPolitics

If you believe it, you can make it true

The saddest legacy of the Bush Administration’s six-year trail of cronyism and corruption is that it contributes to the public’s already cynical view of government. This makes it even more difficult for those of us who believe that the purpose of government is to secure a better future for our country and all of its people. Repairing this sorry legacy is the first challenge our next President…
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Current EventsPolitics

What does a wall mean to you?

There’s a bit of a controversy going on in Baghdad concerning the building of a wall. The walls are going up between the Iraqi capital’s neighborhoods – what some journalists have apparently come to call “blast walls.” Answering criticism that the wall is a “sectarian or racist wall,” the Iraqi prime minister was apparently quoted as saying: “&#8230…
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Planned obsolescence

In the halcyon days of the 109th Congress, the Energy Policy Act of 2005 was passed. Believe it or not this bill does more than just cut taxes and increase federal spending. It also makes many of your appliances with a built-in clock obsolete. How does a Federal Energy bill accomplish this feat? Elementary dear reader… it changes the effective dates for daylight savings time starting in…
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Current EventsPolitics

The cowboy way

In some circles he’s been described as the conservative evil genius. In other circles he’s just evil. This is the political climate of the day… but I’m not here for name calling… well, maybe I’m not above a little name-calling by proxy. The point of this morning’s verbal concoction is to analyze comments made by Karl Rove on NPR a couple days ago. My boy…
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Current EventsPoliticsThe Sunshine State

Politically depressed

I resisted half a dozen urges to post a political entry today, despite several that left me seething. My straw came in the form of a mailing from “Florida’s Working Families.” It was an attack on the congressional voting record of the Democratic nominee for Governor in Florida, Jim Davis. As anyone can tell you, misleading attack adds are a dime a dozen during election season.
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Current EventsPoliticsThe Sunshine State

Gallagher v Crist

It’s never too late to go to the well, and Investment Bob went last night in his debate with the tuna (sorry Charlie). Investment Bob says there are three liberals in the Florida race for Governor, and he’s the only conservative. In fact, he took the gloves off and called the tuna a liberal. A LIBERAL!?! You take that back! Chain Gang Charlie struck back with a “nanny-nanny…
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BethPoliticsThe Sunshine State

A farewell to freedom

July, we hardly knew thee. In less than one week’s time, Beth will join thousands of school age children in the annual event known as “the first day of school.” Like years past, it will be a time of sorrow in The Kauffman Household (version 2.2.1). As many of you know, the school year starts really freaking early in parts of Florida. If you think we’ve got it bad, our…
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Forty-four years, and counting

There’s a fantasy, a dream really, where economic sanctions finally work, the dictator buckles under popular pressure, and the people cast off the shackles of tyranny to find prosperity and freedom. Unfortunately, it is just a dream. Yes, boys and girls, I have some bad news, economic sanctions apparently have not worked in Cuba. Since taking power in 1959, Castro has now outlived…
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