
Maybe it's better I didn't know

Who knows what kind of anxiety I could have built up if I’d known. Until Friday I had an umbilical hernia. I preferred this name to the more common “belly-button hernia.” Until Friday night I thought the surgery to repair it would be nothing – no more harmful than its silly sounding common name. I have a couple days under my belt now, and holy shit on a popsicle stick, it…
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My Medical Riff

Sit back and enjoy a good old fashioned rant, boys and girls. Don’t sit too close though. There could be some spittle involved – unintentional, of course. I’m not going to review my medical history with you now. You’ve either been reading along and know it already, or you haven’t. Maybe you’ll get the basic idea – or not. I’m really not sorry. The…
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Losing my words

Have you ever lost a word? Most of us have. Do you know what Dysnomia is? I did, but I had to look it up to make sure. Don’t be too impressed though. It was kind of my area of study in school, and we’re talking recognition memory all the way here. I couldn’t recall it to save my temporal lobes. Well, A few weeks ago I started misplacing words everywhere I went, and it was pretty…
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Medicated me

This is how medicine works for me. Last month (around the time I was living in the attic) I found a treatment that seemed to work. In this case I slept… all night… really well. The next day I felt great, except for a nagging ache in my right shoulder and tingling feeling radiating down my arm into my hand (like it went to sleep). I called my doctor’s office and they said…
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Soma relief

I’m not sure where I heard this, but Disney supposedly inflates the estimated wait times on their amusement park rides. Makes sense, right? I’ll bet leads to fewer disappointments. The day of Cheryl’s surgery, I remember the doctor saying her pain should start feeling better by the following Monday. As I’ve mentioned before, it didn’t. In fact it got a little…
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