Kitchen Sink

It’s not Miller time either

I’ve used this space to cover all sorts of behaviors I deem inappropriate for the throne room. Most recently I’ve voiced my disappointment with my lavatory cohorts over their cell phone use in the adjacent stall. Today the phone rang next door… then stopped. There was a 30 second pause, followed by a strange sound. If a mouse could play the drums, and that drum playing mouse was…
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Current Events

This morning in the home of the free

The mayor of New Orleans was asked this morning to respond to the suggestion that the reason assistance has not gotten to his city timely is because it was not asked for through the proper channels. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You think the folks in New York had to ask for help through proper channels before they got help on 9/11? This is worse than 9/11.” I mentioned…
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Current Events

F–k you very much, Mr. Hastert

Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert (R-Illinois), and a conservative columnist from Connecticut, suggested today that New Orleans was not worth rebuilding, suggesting: “,if the people of New Orleans and other low-lying areas insist on living in harm’s way, they ought to accept responsibility for what happens to them and their property.” Better yet, why stop there. Shame on the…
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Kitchen Sink

It has to start somewhere

Peer pressure strikes again. If you felt reality shift around you this morning, it may be my fault. You see, for the first time in my adult life I have gambled away some of my hard earned money. A group of my coworkers did what three days in Sin City could not, they convinced me to put some money where the odd’s aren’t. I put some money towards Florida’s voluntary tax, a.k.a.
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Current Events

Fox News versus complete obscurity

Picture Uncle Rupert shaking in his kangaroo skin boots. What can I say, he’s afraid of me. Personally, I think he’s one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse… but that’s just me. Well, now that we’ve gotten the pleasantries out of the way, I’ll get to what I wanted to say today. In my humble opinion, the FNN is generally full of crap. You might think…
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AppleGoing for Broke

Gloria in Excelsis Deo

No, I’m not over doing it. My little buddy made it out of surgery this afternoon and sped right through recovery. In fact, he’s out playing right now. If you really must know, he’s playing INXS. That’s right, this is another iPod post. I can’t tell you how crushed I was when I thought he was dead. It makes it all the more joyous to see him resurrected. I’m so…
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AppleGoing for Broke

The times, they are a changin’

If your iPod is out of warranty, and nothing on the Apple support web site helps (to fix your iPod), try the following… 1. Open you iPod. This is tricky, and it voids your warranty, so I won’t explain it here (it’s a liability thing). 2. Disconnect the battery and hard drive. 3. Reconnect your hard drive and battery. 4. Reassemble your iPod. 5. Reformat your (iPod) hard drive and…
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