You’ll be happy to know I’m a passive passenger (or maybe you won’t care). It’s an irrefutable fact. I am every driver’s dream. I do not speak unless spoken to. I am blessed with innate, directional savvy, but I only share it upon request. Most importantly, I am willing to travel in the back seat. Not only am I willing, it was my idea.
Increasingly, our thirteen year…
First of all I want to say, with all the humility and grace I can muster, we are WAY cooler than you are. We got a box filled with A TON of chocolate from Germany today.
– Insert insane jealousy here –
Sorry, I had to get that out of my system. I’ve got the mother of all sugar highs going. The kids are only sleeping because they rocketed right past sugar high to sugar coma.
Work is a safe zone. It’s one of the few places I can speak freely. It’s one of the few places I feel competent, where I can act and speak with confidence. But it’s fragile state. It’s not just the people I work with, though they are great (my second family). It’s the setting. It’s the subject matter of most discussions, or the ones most likely to come up. It…
I can’t imagine writing a book. I read authors’ blogs, both published and not. I see the frustrations and the rewards. I look at myself and I think, “Whoa, that is so not me.” There are days when I don’t have the patience to finish a single blog post. I’ve been tinkering with a post for a few weeks now and I’m not sure I’ll ever finish. It’s…
So the wife called me from the gym, asking if I’d taken the whites out of the dryer and put them away.
You know what? I was pretty ticked off. Who is she to call me, checking up as if I was some kind of delinquent child.
I hadn’t, but that’s beside the point. There’s a principle that’s been violated and I have every right to be upset about it.
I’m going to let…
The last few days were the coldest this fall, here in the (brighter than tolerable) Sunshine State.
That means one thing: warm sweatpants.
Warm sweatpants means one thing: a pair I bought in college my freshman year. The beginning of my freshman year. Twenty-one years ago.
My wife warns me she’ll deny any relation to me if I go outside wearing them.
“Hey, isn’t that your…
I’m smart enough to know that things are relative, especially when we say it’s cold in Florida. It’s 43F this morning, deep-deep in the relativity range temperature wise.
Pardon me while I steam up for a bit. I’m overhearing the latest “there’s been no significant warming in the last 15 years” rant from the local ignoramus. It’s too early to get…
Here’s some rambling from this weekend I wasn’t going to post, but today I’m thinking, “what the heck.”
It’s dark and it’s good.
I’ve taken to Cochin as the default font on my text editor, not that you’d notice. It has nothing to do with the darkness, but there’s plenty of time to get to that. I go back and forth, serifs – no…
I come to you today from Windows 7.
Before I go on, let’s get one thing clear. This is NOT a plug for Microsoft, Windows, or any of the Jolly Redmond Giant’s products. The statement above is just a statement of fact. If Freud could make it sound lewd, he might say, “sometimes a fact is just a fact.”
I’ve defiled my otherwise lovely, de-fertilizing, aluminum uni-body MacBook with a copy…
I collect text editors on my iPhone like some collect coins. This latest app is the simplest yet – and may turn out to be my favorite.
The last one was my favorite until it crashed and took an entire post with it. I was so pissed I had to put myself in time out – sans iPhone.
The damn thing is too expensive, and more importantly – probably too fragile – to be tossing it…