
Because I can.

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Beth has known this from an early age. Now what do you think happens when the shortest distance between two points is also the hardest traveled distance between two points? If you are Beth, and the shortest distance has scaleable living room furniture in it’s path, then this is desirable. No, make that damn near impossible to…
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Kitchen Sink

The good old days vs the good new days.

I am not immune to the affliction called “nostalgia”. It seems many adults are plagued by this irrational desire for the “good old days”. We remember events through the rose tinted glasses of our past. I remember my college days as some of my best. I remember some of the events of those years fondly. I remember some meaningful discussions with friends, and I think of how…
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Insomnia rears it’s ugly head.

I was lying in bed, minding my own business, when my mind played a cruel joke on me. I was plagued by an idea for writing. As I lay in bed trying to sleep, I wondered if I would remember the idea the next morning. So troubled was I, fearing that I would forget, that I could not fall asleep. I trudged out to the living room to retrieve my laptop and settled into bed with thoughts of getting these…
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Current Events

Letting go.

There has been a story in the news lately which has taken several twists. It involves two families, one patient whose condition is often described as “chronic vegetative state”, the courts, and now the state legislature and the governor. It has prompted many interesting “water cooler” discussions at the office. What is “life support”? What does it mean to be…
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Kitchen Sink

Striking fear in the hearts of man.

On occasion I make calls as a part of my job. I call businesses for information about their employees. I introduce myself as a representative of the state’s tax agency, which administers the child support enforcement program – which is where I work. There is always a pregnant pause between my introduction, and the realization on the other end that I am not calling about their taxes.
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A new way of doing things.

Do you fear “different”? Is “new and improved” a reason for skepticism? I myself am guilty as charged, on occasion. Yesterday, I got to face my fears – at work no less. Working offsite, I was exposed to twenty minutes of shear boredom, followed by 20 seconds of sprinting down the courthouse hallway. This was the pattern for the entire day, though I must admit that it…
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