
Which is worse: cold or cure?

My cold lingered into last week. Since it had been one week too many, I went to see my assigned health care professional. At this point I was given a script for antibiotics and instructions to consume probiotics. Well, the good news is that my original cold symptoms have all but abated. Unfortunately, the antibiotics have waged a savage war with my digestive system. Being the good patient, I have…
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Going for Broke

Have money, will spend.

I am faced with a serious dilemma. I was given some cold, hard cash for my birthday. As dilemmas go, this one doesn’t sound too bad so far. It’s not getting money that is so bad, but deciding what to do with it. I am torn between prudent, responsible choices and … well … not so prudent or responsible choices. On the one hand we have necessary items. Clothing, debt relief…
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More holes that I needed.

You are hanging a shelf in your daughter’s room. There are holes on the back side of the shelf that mount on screws in the wall. You carefully measure the distance between the center of each hole. You recheck your measurements a second and third time, just to make sure. You mark the spots on the wall where holes need to be drilled with your trusty level and ruler. You drill the holes in the…
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Current Events

News fatigue, part 2.

Does anyone know what is going on in the world today? I’ve taken a bit of a sabbatical from news reading in the last month or so. Gone are the days when I could participate in an informed discussion on current events. The last I heard our country was having trouble keeping the peace in Iraq; a recall election mess was brewing in California; Democrats were fleeing Texas to avoid a vote on…
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Family and Friends

Stimulus - response.

Sometimes, when you hear folks from a couple of generations back speak, you hear them talk about the good old days, the days when they didn’t have to lock their doors when they left the house. Did anyone who ever grew up in a city EVER REALLY do that? I’ll admit to occasionally leaving my car unlocked when I know that I’m going back out soon. Two factors lead to this practice.
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I know that feeling from somewhere.

My mouth is watering. My stomach is making noise, the kind that other people can hear. Foods that I would not otherwise like seem… palatable. Even cheese. Yeah, no… I’ve got to take that one back. No coagulated sour milk for me please. The time has come for some serious hunting and gathering. With the comforts of 21st century society, no tools are necessary. All I need is the…
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Not sick… sick… not so sick anymore.

Yesterday, I was feeling unwell. Today, I am feeling less unwell. This cold has been an absolute blast and all, but I’m ready for the day when I don’t need to give Cheryl the daily report on the color of my ejecta. Would you believe that the automatic spell checker on my word processor did not recognize the word ” ejecta “? What is this world coming to? Next time…
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