When the computer stops, so does everything else around my office. As I type these lines, I am looking at a screen full of error codes and messages concerning operations that could not be completed. “The following drive mapping operation could not be completed: [ROOT T:=SDRP201/MAIL:WPPOST1] The error code was 8804.”
I am here, but I am not working. Others are wandering around…
Last week I mentioned my dismay at prematurely parting with $700 (due to car repairs). Last Thursday it got better (that is supposed to be an example of sarcasm). I was driving home from the office when my car showed signs of disfunction. The symptoms screamed maladjustment to me, so I was initially hoping to get the problem fixed free of charge. I called the mechanic and reported my feelings, so…
It depends on what you would characterize as “working”. If by working you mean putting an hours worth of work every six months, then yes – I am still working on the Pergo. Hey, all of our floors are covered. We just need a little touch up. Cheryl got excited when I told her I had done some work on the floor on Saturday while she was at work. She was a little less excited when she…
Going from place to place, day to day, I come across people who seem to be comfortable everywhere they go. Everyplace is like home, and that is exactly how they seem. I am not one of those people. Just today I was standing in line to pay for something and the person ahead of me was jabbering with the person behind the counter like it was their sister. Occasionally, the person behind the counter…
This week has been a mover. Have you ever had the kind of day where you come in, start working, and the next thing you know you’re checking your watch and it’s about half an hour past the time you normally go home for the day? Now imagine that you are so single mindedly involved in your work that stopping is kind of like waking from a deep sleep. There is this period of disorientation…
“John, I’m bleeding.” When you’re pregnant wife has had a miscarriage once before, those words only have one meaning. You don’t think lacerations. You don’t think of blisters that have burst. No, there is only one thing that comes to mind: reliving a past and unpleasant experience. Such was my experience this weekend. Cheryl uttered those words, and my…