Current Events

How do you feel?

On more than one occasion, someone has asked me if I was concerned about events in the world today. It has been more than one person, and at different times, so they weren’t connected. It makes me wonder, is there a prevalent sense of dread out there? Terror is in the news and talk of war is in the air, but I feel oddly indifferent. Are things any different now than they were ten years ago…
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Family and Friends

Her strength is skin deep.

My wife is a strong person. I don’t mean she’s muscular. I mean she has a strong personality. Truth be told, it is much stronger than mine. She has a will, and where there’s a will there’s her way. She’ll stand up to anyone, anyplace, any time if properly provoked. What I want to know is where does that person go when there is a lizard or bug in the house. When there…
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We’re back from Disney World!

When last I wrote, we were just about to come home. And you thought the story ended there, hah! On Tuesday night, Cheryl announced that she wanted to take Beth to the park early, so our last day at the park would not be a short day at the park. We had to drive home on Wednesday, so it was already going to be a short day. Shortly after Cheryl made her announcement, I announced that I could sleep in…
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We’re going to Disney World!

Did I mention that we were going to the World of Walt this week? If Walt were alive today, do you think he would approve? What would Walt Do? We’ve been constantly reminded that Walt would be 100 years old now. That would be pretty old, if he were still alive. He isn’t. Do you think someday they’ll celebrate Michael Eisner’s 100th birthday? All right already, what did you…
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Kitchen Sink

When your patience lets you down.

Normally, I think I can be a patient person at the office. Yesterday I was a little disappointed in myself for not being more patient. I was speaking with someone from a different work unit, trying to explain to them why their presence was necessary in court later this week. This person was understandably nervous and wanted to be prepared. I tried to explain that I had not really been involved in…
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Who’s afraid of 50 little shots?

We are eagerly awaiting Beth’s next trip to the allergist. Beth, like many small children, does not like shots. Beth’s next trip to the allergist will involve skin testing. Hoo wee, that should be just swell. I brought Beth to one of my trips for allergy shots recently. Beth was so disturbed by the prospect of anyone getting shots she had to leave the room. I had these grand visions of…
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