I’m just kidding. This week was actually pretty good. Events have conspired to make me really like all of my coworkers. They might not believe it if I told them (saying I’m emotionally “reserved” in the office would be an understatement), but it is the truth. The current group is almost my favorite. It would be my favorite if someone had not recently retired. The new person…
We discovered that we may very well be parents of a second child in the next 8 months or so. If I sound a little unsure, it’s only because it is VERY early in the game. We only just found out and Cheryl has not even had her first visit to her OBGYN. The odds are good, but we’ve got a long way to go. Beth remains uncommitted to a position on the issue. So far, the comments from Beth…
Beth passed another milestone this week: she was abandoned at a non-relative’s house for a solo visit this week. We went through all the common symptoms: the look of betrayal, the clinging to one leg, the repeating final request (“just one more hug daddy”), and finally the period of mourning after the final separation. Lest you worry, Beth did survive the experience, but…
“We” continued to work on our master bedroom floor – all week. “We” are now mostly finished. I got as much as I need to get done to move back into our room, so I can envision stalling at this point for a little while. It’s a motivation thing. I am mostly pleased with the way it has come out so far, but the jury is still out on some of the molding work we have…
We had an odd finish to my writing week: it rained – all day. Folks I know in the northeast may not find this in the least bit odd, but in Florida we’re lucky to get any rain at all, let alone all day. Folks around here don’t know whether to take joy in the fact that we’re getting some much needed rain or despair from the gloomy weather. Me, I’ll take it every now and…
This week we answered the call. The call to tear out our floor and put in a new one ourselves. We should have told them it was a wrong number. First, we moved out of our bedroom. This was no big deal, I went to college – and so did my sisters. This has no relevance to my ability to move furniture (you would think that it would have taught me well enough so that I could pay someone else to do…
The weekend was not all bad, we got to see Beth’s much anticipated Ballet recital on Saturday. Is there anything more precious than a bunch of preschoolers doing just about everything except the rehearsed number on stage in front of the live audience? Beth only had a couple of classes leading up to the recital, so she hadn’t had as much practice ignoring the pleas of the teacher. She…
I finally decided to see my allergist about all of the coughing that I’ve been doing lately. Naturally, he suggested that the problem was likely in my stomach. You may laugh, but I’m not joking. The kicker is that the treatment prescribed to treat this ‘stomach’ problem has helped my cough. I guess that’s why they call him DOCTOR. It’s been something of a relief…
We concluded last week with a stop at a furniture store, to browse through all of the furniture we couldn’t afford. We began this week with a furniture purchase. This week’s aguish is brought to you by Barewood Outlet. Why pay less for a finished bookshelf when you could pay more for the hassle of finishing the bookshelf yourself? This was the question we asked ourselves this week, and…