
My silence

How would you feel if your spouse didn’t speak? What if it was a coworker or a friend? Would you impute something to their character or nature? Would you interpret it as arrogance, disdain, or indifference? Would you conclude something was wrong? Would you wonder if this person was burdened with a problem in their personal life? Would you ask this person if something was wrong? How would you…
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Family and Friends


Adam and I drove over to Tampa International this evening. Southwest was reporting the plane was coming in a little early, so we left a little early too. We had twenty minutes to kill in the terminal, so we hit the ubiquitous Starbucks, and picked out a table looking out across the escalator pit (leading to baggage claim) towards the shuttle departure/arrival station for the Southwest gates…
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Family and Friends

Back to me

“Back to you? I wasn’t aware you ever left the subject?” There are people in my life, people I love dearly, who’ve been dealing with issues that don’t revolve around me, and it felt wrong to hold the usual self-hate-fest during their time of loss and sorrow. So I’ve been holding out on the rest of you. I’ve been tinkering with a post on depression &#8211…
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Kitchen Sink

The Time Traveler's Wife

This book made me cry – and I loved it. It pulled on the strings of my heart for days (maybe weeks) after I finished. I never remember the names of characters in books, sometimes even when I’m in the middle of reading. I seem to know them innately, recognizing them by their traits from line to line. But if I were to set the book down I couldn’t tell you the name of the person I…
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Kitchen Sink

Ready for sleep

The last 48 hours were not a lot by many folk’s standards, but for me it was. Yesterday I worked a normal day, did the grocery shopping, and took care of the weekend’s yard work (mowing, etc). I got in a couple hours sleep before Adam woke up with a bed full of unmentionables. After the laundry got started I got in a couple more hours before he woke up again. Poor little guy. Today I…
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Love thy couch

Pre-post warnings are not a good way to win over readers. I recognize this, yet I ignore it. If you’re here you’ve probably either learned to overlook my poor habits or you find them a little endearing. Oh my! The headache meds are working just fine now! All of my posts start with a single sentence. When you write you probably start with a single sentence too – unless you have a…
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