I was picking on Beth earlier, at Cheryl’s behest. Now the good parent wants to toss a little praise around.
I woke up late for Church this morning and Beth was already up. Not only had she made her own breakfast and was almost done (pancakes), but she’d fed Adam too.
I came staggering out of my room with excruciating pain in my sinuses, dreading trying to get the kids ready on the…
We’re not perfect parents, but I like to think we’re at least average. Beth is on the cusp of that time when parents become ogres with wallets. It’s not really like that here, but what fun is a blog if I can’t exaggerate once and a while.
There’s a punishment that’s particularly effective with Beth, owing to her love of the computer. She gets that from her…
*UPDATE: it looks like Mobile Safari doesn’t deal with static background images very well.
Maybe you noticed the new blog theme. If not, take a closer look. It’s hard to miss. I showed it to my editor (Cheryl) and her response was: “It looks kind of cool, but I like colors. This looks kind of depressing.”
It’s good advice, but I’m keeping it for now…
Have you ever felt inexplicably irritable? For a week or month at a time?
Now it’s time for the truth. I have an explanation, I’ve just been reluctant to talk about it. It feels like an excuse. Part of me lives in fear… like if I say it out loud a mob of disturbingly happy people with “The Secret” will bombard me with platitudes. Then, on top of feeling grumpy…
This is a true story. I say this because a liar wouldn’t dare lie about the truth. Therefore, this must be true – even if I was a liar. I’m not though.
Feel better?
It’s pretty darn near the two year anniversary of my cancer diagnosis. I only bring it up because I went to my oncologist this afternoon and he said, “it’s pretty darn near the two year anniversary…
I almost hate to say anything before it’s over, but the truth is this won’t be over for a long time, regardless of when our legislature is in session.
I’m being cryptic again. Sorry.
The Florida Legislature is in a special session to deal with the 2 billion hole that appeared in the state buget last quarter. There’s been a similar hole in each of the last several quarters…
I’ve been sacrificing a little of my sleep this evening to compare a bunch of family info a cousin sent me with my genealogy database. Little of the information would be terribly interesting to many of you, so I won’t get into details.
I’ll be a little more tired tomorrow, but a few fond memories of my childhood will be a little fresher in my mind. They’ll be smoothing…
“What about our shareholders Bob? Who’s looking out for them?” – The Incredibles
You know me. I love insurance. I love it so much I bought a bunch of it. We’re like that ice cream place that brags about all the flavors they’ve got. It’s a good thing too, because it’s coming in handy after Cheryl’s accident.
I know what you’re thinking…