Current Events


By the time you see this, I’m sure it will be all over the news – but I can’t not post this. Reuters via Yahoo! News: In a sign of lingering anger over the war that will define the Republican president’s foreign policy legacy, an Iraqi journalist shouted in Arabic “this is a goodbye kiss from the Iraqi people, dog,” and hurled his shoes at Bush during a news…
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BethImportant Stuff

Listen to me?

At least the kids are listening. I’d swear I covered this a long time ago, but judging from Beth’s reaction to this telling, I’m guessing I didn’t. A couple months ago Beth asked me why we recycle. I told her. Now Beth wants to recycle everything she can. When she can’t, she wants a detailed explanation why not (which usually isn’t sufficient). She figured the…
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Kitchen Sink

I miss it

It never let us down. It took care of us. It took care of Cheryl when she needed to be protected. I hadn’t really thought about it much. I’ve had plenty of other things to think about (and do). Tonight I was playing around with the phone and ended up on a street view of our house on google, and there it was in our drive way, parked next to my little blue Civic: our old CR-V. We really…
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BethFamily and Friends

Spirit renewing

Had one of those great afternoons at the island with the kids. It was a little cool (by northern standards… downright freezing by our own), very sunny, relaxing, and fun. I’ve posted all of these pics to Flickr, but I decided to fool around with my gallery plug-in again (even though I haven’t worked out how to shed the link underlines in the photos that show up in Safari &#8211…
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Fortune slipping

First things first: I’m not destitute. My family has a roof and plenty to eat. Our house is an oasis of relative plenty, no matter what I say next. You know how bankruptcy experts say most american families are one medical emergency away from financial disaster? We’ve had two in the last eighteen months. We came out o.k. from mine, but I’ve already talked about it so much…
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PoliticsThe Sunshine State

America beware!

Florida could be on the verge of forcing another Bush down your throat. Any hope I have that Florida is really a moderate state is dampened by the smarter Bush brother’s popularity here. Jeb! was just about as conservative as they come during his two terms as governor. His apparent mantra of “I’ve never seen a government agency or program I liked” may play well with the…
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