Some folks are speculating McCain’s team made a bit of a mistake prepping for his big speech the other night. It goes something like this… they were asked to get a picture of Walter Reed Medical Center for a backdrop to the speech, but instead they put up a picture of Walter Reed Middle School in California.
Suddenly I find myself in a great mood. I can’t wait to hear if this is…
I’m one of the folks the GOP can’t convince with a convention, so it shouldn’t be much of a surprise to learn I can’t watch. It took all of thirty seconds watching a grinning Mit before I was throwing myself at the television in search of a power cable. It wasn’t a sure thing what I was going to do with it once I got it either. I did watch parts of Palin’s…
Note: this post hasn’t gone through the Cheryl filter, or any other filter really, so it’s bound to be harsher than it would be when I’m not all riled up.
Do you remember where you were when you heard about McCain’s VP pick?
I don’t. I’ve got a terrible memory.
I do remember what I thought though: “… that brilliant, cynical bastard….”…
Friday evening my daughter asked me what we were going to do for Labor Day.
“Nothing,” I said.
“We’re not going to do anything to celebrate?”
“That’s right.”
“Why not?”
“Eh” (note: I’m surprised she let me get away with this one.)
“What is Labor Day?”
“Do you want the long answer or the short…
I’m the last person you should listen to when politics (or much of anything else) is concerned. That said, the Democrat’s biggest problem in the run up to the general election (in John’s world) may be expectations. The trickiest expectations to manage may be those for their opponent.
Professional pundits usually say candidates are not elected because of their running mates. But…
I couldn’t care less about Sarah Palin’s gender or experience. I think you’d have to be brain dead to discount the possibility McCain does (care), but I’ll let you draw your own conclusions there. Like many, I don’t know much about Gov. Palin, but what I’ve seen isn’t encouraging:
She’s a global warming denier.
On gay rights and marriage:
Palin said…
Note: this post was conceived and executed (don’t you wish) in the presence of two dozen kids practicing martial arts to the maddeningly loud beat of the Black Eyed Peas. Stop reading if you’re not feeling really patient. It’s part of an ongoing series of posts I call “too cute cubed.”
Imagine someone who’s lazy by nature. If you’re picturing me, consider…