Current EventsPolitics

Sorry sister

Newsvine / AP: About 12 Indiana nuns were turned away Tuesday from a polling place by a fellow sister because they didn’t have state or federal identification bearing a photograph. Sister Julie McGuire said she was forced to turn away her fellow members of Saint Mary’s Convent in South Bend, across the street from the University of Notre Dame, because they had been told earlier that…
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Rites of passage

Remember this post? Tell me friends, where was your intervention when I needed it? You might say the sea of evidence – the little thing we call “common knowledge” – makes a personal warning redundant, but remember who you’re dealing with. During an 18 hour stretch this weekend I: 1. Did a clean installation of Windows. 2. Had it crash. 3. Searched through (way too…
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PoliticsSoapboxThe Sunshine State

Have pity on your health insurance company

I mentioned a Republican representative from our state legislature the other day, the one I heard on the radio. I kind of suggested he might’ve said something that made me a little mad; “pissed off” may have been the words I used. Well, if you don’t want to read a rant on Florida politics, now is the time to bail. The Florida Legislature is in session for two months of…
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Kitchen Sink

My doctor list

A lot of people complain about their pay. How many of you don’t know someone who thinks they should earn more for what they do? I don’t think of myself as one of those people, but even I was a bit miffed about the f…-you-very-much we got from the legislature last year. (That was one of the most gratifying pieces I’ve written for this blog, by the way.) I’d be a fool…
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The Sunshine State

The post Beth wanted to write

A few weeks ago Beth begged me to set up a blog – or more precisely, begged me to let her set up one herself. She wanted write this post, but call me old fashioned, I think ten is still a wee bit young for a blog. I offered to post it here, if she wanted to write something for internet consumption, but that wasn’t good enough. It HAD to be her own blog. She HAD to do it on iWeb. She…
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Someone stop me

Here’s something you might not expect me to say: “I’m thinking about picking up a copy of Windows.” I know, it’s crazy talk. Why would I pollute a perfectly good Mac with XP, or (shudder) Vista? Cheryl keeps asking me the same thing, and I don’t have a good answer for any of you. Maybe it’s just because I can. Maybe it’s because I want to experience…
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Kitchen Sink

Friday Night Lights

Thanks to my cousin, I’m addicted to an NBC show you can watch on I saw the movie, and I remember not being overly impressed. I heard NBC was turning it into a television show, and I remember not being overly impressed. I’ve since watched… oh, about twenty-five episodes in the last couple weeks (yes, I am that pathetic), and I am impressed. I was even more impressed…
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Family and Friends

My uber-parent moment

This evening I pulled something off that made me feel like I’d harnessed the power to solve all the world’s ills. What could possibly make me feel so… well, manic? Adam was just starting one of his trademark tantrums when I tried a little change of pace. I have no idea what came over me. Normally I’m kind of reserved, but this evening I jumped up and down and cried…
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