It’s not what many would consider winter, but it’s often as close as we get deep in the southeast. Last night a “strong” cold front moved through, spawning the usual collection of high winds and tornadoes (ho-hum). We hit our high of 70 this morning (chills you to the bone, I’m sure). Still, the air feels much drier than usual, giving us a brief taste of cool, crisp…
Beth and I finally made it out to Honeymoon Island for a good hike. I’d been waiting to take my new camera out to the park to hunt for some good pictures, and by golly, today was an excellent day for it. We had a high around 80 with a nice sea breeze to mix up the air a little… what you might call a chamber of commerce kind of day… one for the brochures.
I posted a bunch of the…
How’s this for a testimonial:
“I’d sign over my next paycheck to these folks, if my wife didn’t have any say in it.”
Fat Cat Software and their little app: iPhoto Library Manager saved my bacon this evening. My iMac did something to me that an Apple computer hasn’t done to me in years: it crashed.
It’s been so long I didn’t know what to do. If I was…
As I mentioned yesterday, until recently I haven’t worried very much about global warming. It’s been in the back of my mind, like any good liberal, but I haven’t done much about it. Like many folks, I was shaken a bit by the Al Gore movie; but a certain blog gave me an extra push.
I’ll admit that I hadn’t read much on the topic for more than ten years, back when…
How often have I asked you to do something for me? I think I asked you once to think about drinking more water from the tap, but that’s the only thing that comes to mind.
What I’d like you to do now is a little more important, but it requires a lot less effort. Consider signing an online petition. It’s about the ongoing climate negotiations in Bali, and the role the US has taken…
This one’s for Beth, our resident amateur astronomer.
Newsvine / AP:
Astronomers had thought Saturn’s rings were cosmically young, likely born some 100 million years ago from leftovers of a meteoric collision with a moon, based on data by NASA’s Voyager spacecraft in the 1970s.
However, new data from the orbiting international Cassini spacecraft suggest the rings existed as far…
I could have waited to post this tomorrow. I should have waited to post this tomorrow. I can’t believe how much I’ve done today, and still posted several entries along the way. The amazing thing has been it all seemed relatively effortless (and for that line, my wife is going to smother me in my sleep). My energy level is really improving.
Anyway, on with the post…
I felt an…
Beth is learning about electricity this week, along with some of the basic physics involved. So it looks like this week I’m teaching physics!
If you’ve got a school aged child, you too may be familiar with the task of filling in the teaching gaps.
We started out kind of backwards, because for some reason her assignment/textbook addressed conductors and resistors BEFORE it covered…