Family and FriendsSoapbox


It’s been a while since I’ve written anything about my mother, but it hasn’t been because nothing’s happening. I just don’t know what to say, or if I want to say it. That makes it sound kind of bad, but it isn’t; not really anyway. The second sudden recovery came and went, but it was encouraging in that she didn’t lapse back quite as far as she had been.
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Current Events

BBC NEWS | US lawmakers’ plane evades shots

BBC NEWS | Middle East | US lawmakers’ plane evades shots Three U.S. Senators were taking off at Baghdad. The lawmakers said their plane, a C-130 Hercules, had to avoid three rocket-propelled grenades over the course of several minutes. After taking evasive action, they safely completed their journey to Amman in Jordan. “It was a scary moment,” said Republican Senator Mel…
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Universal health care and democracy

From the book Sick, by Jonathan Cohn: To its critics on the political right, universal health care is an imposition on liberty that weakens individual initiative. But this is the classic bait-and-switch of modern conservatism – to make us forget that in a democracy, the government is merely an expression of our will and resources as a community. Universal health care is really about finding…
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Current EventsThe Sunshine State

Property insurance reform in Florida

Alex Sink, our State Financial Officer, says the property insurance policies dropped by Nationwide this month is not a sign that insurance reform failing to live up to it’s promise. She says the State Farm move last month isn’t a sign either. “This is an opportunity for Floridians to shop around for a better policy.” So says Alex Sink. I voted for Alex Sink, and now…
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Important Stuff

Here I go again - lets talk about health care

Twice in two days! That’s how many times someone said (to me) some variation of: “don’t people who live in countries with universal health care have almost half of their pay taken in taxes, to pay for their health care?” If this was just one person who said it twice, or even one person who was relaying it from someone else, then I wouldn’t be writing this post. But…
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The Sunshine StateWellbeing

Corn, courtesy of the rain

It isn’t the desert, but we still get enough sun to boil the brain case. Exhibit A: our governor (separated at birth from George Hamilton?). Ah, but I didn’t start this entry intending to talk about the sun, or too-tan, Chain-gang Charlie. I wanted to talk about the rain. A busy day at work followed by a busy evening at home left my stomach (filled with antibiotics) ready for revolt.
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Kitchen Sink

Love thy medicine

This year I’ve become quite the connoisseur of prescription drugs. Personally, I think the 2007 Phizer collection is divine. It goes without saying that a well crafted capsule goes down smooth (although I said it anyway), but my Phizer stock of tablets go down almost as well. There’s a very mild bitter taste, with just a hint of metallic tang. And the coating? Don’t get me…
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CoffeeGoing for Broke

Fluff, courtesy of the magic bean

I am torn. I aspire to be a coffee snob, but I’m finding that some of the equipment is a little too pricey. My first steps to snobbery weren’t too expensive… whole bean instead of ground, a once forgotten coffee (blade) grinder received as a wedding gift, and a French press. I’ve come a long way from coffee flavored, instant chocolate milk (General Foods International…
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Something else to lose

2007 will probably not go down as my favorite year, but I won’t tempt fate by claiming it’s the worst. That kind of reckless talk is what makes fate go Biblical. Apparently it has been bad enough for me to start losing my hair. This morning we noticed a lot of hair on the floor near the mirror, and on closer inspection I noticed I was shedding hair like a certain cat at my…
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