Who am I to call for consistency of thought? I can’t keep my mind on the straight and arrow for a day, let alone a lifetime of policy decisions. Still, I got a kick out of a line I read in an article this weekend (I can’t for the life of me remember which one). The author of the piece said that conservatives against “socialized medicine” didn’t understand that we…
I’m a little worried about the follow-up with the Oncologist tomorrow. I was supposed to go last Tuesday, but I forgot. Then I was supposed to go on Thursday, but the doctor forgot (either that or they are a vengeful lot).
I know the recovery process can be slow, but I’m worried that I’m feeling worse these last couple weeks instead of better. It could be the stress, with my mom…
I bought frozen dinners to tide me over this week. Yep, all that talk about wanting to cook was nothing but a pile of steaming, reconstituted potato flakes.
With the kids gone with my wife to the Kauffman Family (v 2.2.2) ancestral home, I could have used the down time to hone my budding craft. Instead, I took the opportunity to slide deeper into laziness.
On the bright side, I saw something on…
I’ve been playing around with Shiira this weekend, a Mac browser with a few interesting features. As an alternative to tabs, you can have what looks like a drawer of screen previews at the bottom of the page. You can also have a floating, black, partially transparent bookmarks window, which is pretty cool on a widescreen setup.
I’m not sure any browser is close to unseating Safari as…
This morning I got a troubling call… a hearing was going to be set to continue my mother’s involuntary commitment for another 30 days, because she wasn’t showing any improvement. There was panicked talk of lawyers, and… nothing for the rest of the day. It turned out half a day of hearings was all I could take (at work today). I went home and fell asleep; not having planned…
I’ve got a better than average reason to still be up this far past my bed time: fear. Tomorrow (today) is Friday (this being Thursday night), and I’m determined to qualify (in parenthesis) every other word (typed in the mother tongue) in this sentence. When next the sun rises over fair Dunedin, I’ll be sitting in my office trying to pump myself up for my first day of hearings…
For a writer wanna-be, I’m hopelessly tethered to random infusions of rhyme, alliteration, and odd word pairings. But that’s not really what I wanted to say today; I distracted myself with a bout of whimsy following the title conception phase of this entry.
It was another fit of whimsy which prompted my fingers to grace the keyboard of the TAM this morning (I hear you, enough with the…