Current Events

The dream must not be lost.

I never wanted to be an astronaut. Of course, my saying I never wanted to be an astronaut is like Ronald Reagan saying he never wanted to be a liberal. I’ve never had a real aptitude for physical sciences. Uncle Sam was pointing in the other direction when he said “I want you!” I have a particularly acute fear of heights. For me, waiting in line for a roller coaster is kind of…
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Current Events

Try and Fry.

What do you think about capital punishment? Do you think we should try ’em and fry ’em or do you think we should be “weak on crime.” How I feel is irrelevant to the point I would like to discuss (even if I am weak on crime). Apparently there is a new tactic being employed by those who would see the death penalty outlawed, one that has had good results in the state of…
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Current Events

Where is the love?

Just as I was finishing up my entry last week, I heard the comments offered by my governor at his inaugural address. My favorite part talked about the government buildings standing behind him, and his hope that one day they would stand empty – no longer needed. He went on to speak about what he referred to as the fallacy of throwing more money at a problem, that if just one more piece of…
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Current Events

In the world today.

Does anyone else wonder what the difference between Iraq and North Korea is? Both countries are ruled by a government that we’ve gone to war with. Both countries are suspected of developing nuclear weapons. Both countries have current rulers that seem a bit too unstable for comfort. North Korea has come out and admitted that they are actively developing “the bomb.” Based on what…
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Current Events

How do you feel?

On more than one occasion, someone has asked me if I was concerned about events in the world today. It has been more than one person, and at different times, so they weren’t connected. It makes me wonder, is there a prevalent sense of dread out there? Terror is in the news and talk of war is in the air, but I feel oddly indifferent. Are things any different now than they were ten years ago…
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Current Events

Also known as mid-term elections.

I’m just now getting over the anguish from last week’s elections. I think I’m taking a healthy approach to all of it though; surely everyone who voted the other way is wrong. I overheard a heated discussion about one of the amendments that was voted on last week. I did not get involved in the conversation – they were already having enough fun without me. Anyway, I thought I…
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Current EventsThe Sunshine State

When government should not run like a business.

I’ve just heard that Florida’s wonderful education system pays it’s new top education post more than any other state, and 33% more than the top Federal education post. Many state employees I know fantasize about being a federal employee, and the higher pay and better benefits that come with it. I guess our Education chief does not share those fantasies. Further, I’ve heard…
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Current Events

Where’s the vision?

Do “we the people” reward politicians with simplest messages? Call me a cynic, but I think “we” do. It seems that if an idea can’t be summed up in a thirty second T.V spot it’ doesn’t have a chance in hell of holding up in the public “debate”. How often have you noticed that embracing the complex side of an issue = loosing the battle of public…
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Current Events

Are you ready for a war?

The other day someone asked me what I thought about a possible armed conflict with Iraq. Like my coworker, I don’t really know what to think. What bothers me is, why is this suddenly so important now? As I understand it, the arguments being used for going to war have been valid for five or six years. You might say it’s different now with a new administration. In other words, it was…
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