BethImportant Stuff

Listen to me?

At least the kids are listening. I’d swear I covered this a long time ago, but judging from Beth’s reaction to this telling, I’m guessing I didn’t. A couple months ago Beth asked me why we recycle. I told her. Now Beth wants to recycle everything she can. When she can’t, she wants a detailed explanation why not (which usually isn’t sufficient). She figured the…
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BethFamily and Friends

Spirit renewing

Had one of those great afternoons at the island with the kids. It was a little cool (by northern standards… downright freezing by our own), very sunny, relaxing, and fun. I’ve posted all of these pics to Flickr, but I decided to fool around with my gallery plug-in again (even though I haven’t worked out how to shed the link underlines in the photos that show up in Safari &#8211…
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It's like the kid's living my life

It’s too nice to be outside, but lunch is too short to stay out. It’s a classic worker’s delema, but not one I face often. Most of the time I’m not paying close enough attention, holed up in my little corner of invisible, government service. Today I’m a little burned out – thus the walk-about at lunch. Life’s been a little harder lately, intruding on my…
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I get you kid

Someone asked me the other day if Beth was in junior high. When I said yes, this person went on to share some of their horror stories about that age: boys pulling girl’s hair, the physical awkwardness, etc. I nodded my head, but I was thinking that was just the tip of a very large iceberg. To be fair, this person was just making small talk in passing, not engaging me in a serious, drawn out…
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Still surprised

I can still be surprised by things my daughter says, even after eleven years. Here’s a snippet of a conversation between Cheryl and Beth. “You know Beth, in another six or seven years you may be living on your own.” “Not in this economy. I wouldn’t be able to afford to live on my own.” She may be gaining on Cheryl’s height as we watch, but she’s…
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