At Last! The new camera finally arrived. Now my only problem is there haven’t been enough things to photograph. I thought this weekend would offer up lots of opportunity, but the open house at Honeywell wasn’t completely open. There were no cameras allowed.
I really should have known. If I’d given it any thought, I wouldn’t have set myself up for disappointment. Now…
In case you’re one of the folks I haven’t told in person, Adam’s appointment with the neurosurgeon went as expected. The cysts in his brain are not cause for concern, as long as there are no symptoms. The doctor was kind and patient, and Cheryl left with a good impression, and less anxiety.
Can you ask for anything more from a doctor visit?
Although she didn’t think Adam…
You’ve got to start when they’re young. Some of your earlier efforts might be in vain, but you’ve got to be careful because you never know when they’ll start noticing… and imitating your behavior. It’s scary sometimes, knowing that they’re watching everything you do, making mental notes when you least expect it, and imitating a weak moment when it’s…
You may recall that my weekend got off to a, shall we say, less tham optimal start. Do not despair friends, it did get better – well, sort of. No one died or went to the ER, so that’s something right?
Adam and Cheryl came home a little after midnight on Friday/Saturday, but I learned the results of their little adventure shortly after I posted my entry earlier that evening. No, Adam…
Death by a thousand paper-cuts. Nickel and dimed to death. The straw that broke the camel’s back. I feel like someone rolled up all these tried and true cliches like pennies, put them in a sock, and beat me over the head with them.
And I’m not just saying that because my head hurt, although it did.
To start with, it seems like the kids have been a little sick for a month. Not a lot…
We were helping Beth with her homework on the American Revolution this evening, and it was great fun. I fancy myself the household expert on history, so I was right in my element. However, helping with a big homework assignment until ten p.m. makes me yearn for my high school days (when I didn’t). It didn’t help that we were all pretty tired.
Anyway, there was a point in all this when…
A couple weeks ago I was summoned home due to an emergency. Beth was freaked out by a frog that gained entrance to our house via commode.
Being a thoughtful, sensitive parent, I went straight home, tracked down the frog, and laughed. Mind you, this was no mere chuckle. This kind of laughing involved tears. At first Beth didn’t share my feelings… not even a little bit. I could tell…