Family and Friends

Too much reality

My wife spends most of her time at work behind a desk. It’s that little bit of time that she doesn’t that gets interesting. It can be hard to reconcile the high school girl I met over a peeled cat in anatomy class, with the person who straps a gun on a few times a year. My wife is not in the military, the reserves, or with the police, so she doesn’t face the kind of danger many…
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Family and Friends

I win some and I lose some

This weekend we had family over for dinner on a night when I was trying something new, which is about as adventurous as I get these days. The food and wine were consumed with enthusiasm, and I felt really good. It turns out we were fortunate to have leftovers. I tried something new again this evening, this time with just the wife and kids, and it was almost a complete disaster. The only one that…
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Family and FriendsSoapbox


It’s been a while since I’ve written anything about my mother, but it hasn’t been because nothing’s happening. I just don’t know what to say, or if I want to say it. That makes it sound kind of bad, but it isn’t; not really anyway. The second sudden recovery came and went, but it was encouraging in that she didn’t lapse back quite as far as she had been.
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Family and Friends


Written 8/18 and forgotten… I know it’s a coping strategy – wholly reasonable and acceptable by most standards, but I feel guilty. This morning when the kids woke up I wanted to play, share their youthful enthusiasm, and take heart from the knowledge that some of that enthusiasm was because of me. This morning when my wife was quietly reading the news, sipping her coffee, I snuck…
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Family and Friends

Channeling the spirits of Kauffmans past

There aren’t many comments as likely to draw my dinner table ire than “I want to save room for desert.” There are few times when I feel such a close kinship with my father. (Based on the title, you may think my father is deceased. He’s not, but I figure there’s a better than even chance he got it from his father too.) I can’t decide if I object to the comment…
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