
Today is the first day of school. Adam and Beth got out the uniforms this morning for the first time in almost three months, and started a new chapter in their lives.

For Adam, it’s first grade. These days the jump from kindergarten to first grade isn’t much different from first to second. The era of standardized testing and school “accountability” has leached most of the fun from learning, as schools standardize curriculums, and reduce every moment between bells to drill English and math into childrens’ heads with the subtlety of a jack-hammer.

It’s why Adam is in private school, although his school isn’t immune to the pressure to kickstart the academics early. Private schools aren’t “accountable” the way public schools are. Florida’s ultra-conservative state government says it’s because private schools are held to an even higher standard: “the free market.” Oh the irony! Private schools lack the woeful standards of “accountability” of public schools, allowing them to devote more time to a rounded education. They can dabble in frivolous things like music, art, and the study of foreign languages and cultures – all the things I got from my public education in Florida before the “accountability movement” started.

Heaven fucking forbid.

Beth starts high school today, though she too will remain at the same, private school she attended last year. As you may recall, our hand was forced when it became clear “accountability” didn’t apply to kids with Aspergers.

I didn’t mean to begin this post with a rant about the school system. It just kind of happened. I guess I still have unresolved issues.

What I really wanted to say is I’m really proud of my kids.

Beth has her first interview today. She’s starting ninth grade, so we were a little leery of her working in her spare time. However, it’s not about money. Beth wants to volunteer at the YMCA, watching the little kids after school and working the front desk.

How could I say no to that? I’m a little worried. Social skills are not her strong point, but if this works out it could be a great experience for her.

Here’s what warmed my heart: she came up with this on her own. While we were there working out one day, she sought out the director, spoke to him, and came home with an application – without any prompting from us. Hell, we didn’t even know she could volunteer at her age.

Lots of kids have good hearts and take initiative to do good things. What surprises me is I’ve brought up one of those kids.

No, she isn’t working to solve the problem of world hunger, but she is willingly giving her time to do something she enjoys – helping other people.

Proud doesn’t begin to explain how I feel. Pretty damn lucky comes close.

That girl

I was working out at the Y this evening and Adam was spending the time in the play room.

It’s a really big room. I thought you should know that, I don’t know why.

I went to pick him up afterwards and he came storming out breathless, exclaiming “Man! There was this girl in there who was a beast and she was chasing me like I was her favorite food!”

I laughed. He didn’t seem injured in any way, either mentally or physically, so I think it was defensible.

Adam didn’t didn’t share my view on the subject.

Home alone no more

Today my family is only a state away. Unfortunately, Florida is a really big state.

Still, I woke up early this morning and a thought struck me: I could get in the car, leave right now and be with them by lunchtime.

There were just a handful of problems with this plan. It was four-thirty in the morning. I’d slept about three and a half hours. They weren’t three and a half good hours. And Florida is a really big state. Still, you have no idea how close I came to packing a change of clothes, a box of snacks, a thermos of extra strong coffee, and some Tylenol in a backpack and riding off into the sunrise to meet my family in Stone Mountain, GA.

It’s Saturday afternoon and my head is pounding away with each shuddering heartbeat, so it’s probably a good thing I’m here with my iMac instead.

They’ll all be back tomorrow.

That’s the real reason I didn’t jump in the car early this morning.

John reads: “What writing means to me”

A few years ago I wrote what remains my most visited post – and my favorite post. I thought about it today, sitting at home sick. It’s about writing obviously, but it’s also about me and my wife.

I haven’t felt like sitting in front of the iMac’s camera for another “Home Alone” video, but this seemed fitting.

So here it is, just the audio this time, reading an old post from my heart.

Home Alone – Day Nine

I just want you to know the performance anxiety is killing me. Kermit was terrible and Yoda was only so-so.

Get your kicks in now. It may never happen again.

Home Alone – Day Seven

We just spoke on the phone, so there’s not much to say. In a way it’s more lonely here after talking on the phone. But that’s ok, I have to go to bed anyway and my tomorrow morning I’ll be too caught up in “the mom project” to dwell on it.

Anyway, here’s a video for today, followed by the one I hadn’t finished from Wednesday.

Home Alone – Day Six

I’m sorry again kids. It’s going on 11pm and I’m just getting home. It wasn’t a bad day, just long… but way too long for a video.

My hearings went well, if a little long. There’s some bleed over to tomorrow to finish things up, but that’s ok.

Mom will be glad to know the bank got the appraisal back from the appraiser. It was more than we thought, so one possible stumbling block is out of the way. She’ll also be glad to know I can/will call to lock in our interest rate tomorrow.

I went over to Memere and Pepere’s house after work (a little after dinner time) and helped get them set up for Pepere’s recovery after his surgery tomorrow.

Keep Pepere in your thoughts this weekend. I think it might be a little harder than they thought.

I hope you’re staying cool. I hear it’s WAY hotter there than here. I hope it’s not putting a damper on the fun.

Well, I’m off to bed. I hope you have a great day tomorrow (today by the time you see this :-)

Home Alone – Day Five

I’m really sorry kids, but no video tonight. I have it “in the can,” so to speak, but I found some things I have to take out – mostly work stuff I’m not really allowed to post in a public forum. It’s after bedtime, I just got back from dinner with Uncle Eric, Aunt Lisa, your cousins, and grandma/grandpa… so I don’t have the time or energy to do it now.

So… tomorrow you may get a double-dose of dad, if my hearings don’t run late.