Kitchen Sink

шесть вещей

I’ve been tagged. These are the rules: 1. Link to the person who tagged you (Richard). 2. Post the rules on your blog 3. Share six unimportant things/habits/quirks about yourself 4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs 5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website First, I want to apologize for not following the…
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Kitchen Sink

What ever happened to Greg?

I don’t think about my childhood all that often, almost as if my life began in college. (I’ve been thinking about it more lately for some reason.) I was driving past an elementary school a little while back and it brought up a painful memory, which brings us to this post. Greg was my best friend between eighth and eleventh grade. We did all kinds of things, having our share of fun, and…
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Kitchen Sink

My small contribution

Today was the unveiling of my latest little child support guideline spreadsheet. It’s the day I finally get around to setting it up with the new Federal Withholding formulas for the new tax year and contact the folks on my mailing list. In a few hours my server logs will show a blip of activity. Tomorrow a handful people out there will change the way they work (no not really, but I’m…
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ComputerKitchen Sink

WordPress 2.3.2

From WordPress 2.3.2 is an urgent security release that fixes a bug that can be used to expose your draft posts. 2.3.2 also suppresses some error messages that can give away information about your database table structure and limits and stops some information leaks in the XML-RPC and APP implementations. Get 2.3.2 now to protect your blog from these disclosures. Yikes! The words…
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Kitchen Sink

Bush Acknowledges Existence Of Carbon Dioxide

The Onion: WASHINGTON—In an unexpected reversal that environmentalists and scientists worldwide are calling groundbreaking, President George W. Bush, for the first time in his political career, openly admitted to the existence of carbon dioxide… Many of those whom Bush has long considered to be his most loyal followers, however, have expressed disappointment with the…
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Kitchen Sink

A pinch of cold

It’s not what many would consider winter, but it’s often as close as we get deep in the southeast. Last night a “strong” cold front moved through, spawning the usual collection of high winds and tornadoes (ho-hum). We hit our high of 70 this morning (chills you to the bone, I’m sure). Still, the air feels much drier than usual, giving us a brief taste of cool, crisp…
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Kitchen Sink

Saturn's Rings Older Than First Thought?

This one’s for Beth, our resident amateur astronomer. Newsvine / AP: Astronomers had thought Saturn’s rings were cosmically young, likely born some 100 million years ago from leftovers of a meteoric collision with a moon, based on data by NASA’s Voyager spacecraft in the 1970s. However, new data from the orbiting international Cassini spacecraft suggest the rings existed as far…
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Kitchen Sink

Didn't that time of year end a while back?

I’ve been avoiding the local news lately, so it was news to me when Cheryl told me about that storm near Puerto Rico – the one I hear was designated “Subtropical Storm Olga” about thirty minutes ago. Somewhere I heard this is mid-December, but I can just look outside at my thermometer and dismiss this as a crazy rumor. The needle is getting way to close to 90F for this to…
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