Kitchen Sink

An excerpt from a favorite writer of mine

Tuesday Morning Quarterback has long been on the placebo case. In 2004, I noted studies showing that placebos are efficacious and said it was unfair that only those who participate in clinical trials enjoy the benefits of placebos. I asked, “If sugar pills actually work, why aren’t placebos a standard treatment given by doctors and hospitals? The answer is that placebos aren’t…
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Kitchen Sink

Pick your poison

As employer decisions go, where does restricting thermostat access rank? Is it better to restrict access to management or leave it open to the whim of anyone who passes it in the hallway? Is it better to have a few people grumble about the temperature; or, open the office to an all out, passive-aggressive civil war? I’ve experienced both… and either way it’s messy. I’d…
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Kitchen Sink

“This really shows the generational difference”

I decided not to reply to an email I received recently. I really, REALLY wanted to… but I thought better of it. However, for the sake of catharsis, I’ve decided to post it here (not to mention I didn’t want to waste all of this research and typing): First, the email I received: This makes me kinda sad for todays generation! Those Born 1930-1979! TO ALL THE KIDSWHO SURVIVED the…
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Kitchen Sink

Please put some wean in Halloween

My first mistake every fall is buying Halloween candy that I like. It’s never a sure thing that we’ll have any left when the last Trick-or-Treater comes by the house… with me going through the candy like an 80’s rock band went through hair spray. On Halloween night you can find me in my recliner, looking like some caricature of good ‘ole fashioned American Excess.
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Kitchen Sink

Stealing God’s word

If Jesus were around today, do you suppose he would be a copyright lawyer? I hope not, because I’m engaged in a little project that I’m almost ashamed of… I’ve been copying the text of my preferred interpretation of the Bible from an online source… with the aim of converting the plain text into a formatted e-book on my Palm OS device. I’m only copying it for my…
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Kitchen Sink

Little boy blue, come blow your horn

Last I spoke of work I made reference to being a little bored. Well I feel inclined now… in fact I’m sitting up straight… good posture and all. In the interest of propping up my image at large, I feel I must share a comment I received yesterday after my week in court concluded. A person who makes more money than me (but really, how many people does that exclude?), and who has no…
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Kitchen Sink

Stupid employer tricks

We moan and groan about the DVDs purchased for training material at work… with nary a player in sight. We wonder why an office automation tech could not be hired, at a modest salary, to better take advantage of the technology already paid for… gaining hundreds (if not thousands) of hours of productivity on the cheap. The fact is the world is filled with stupid people. Too often we take…
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Kitchen Sink

Hardly working

Live, from a courthouse near you, I’m bored out of my gourd. That’s right folks, me and my cold have taken our show on the road. I’ve taken this opportunity to read some of my own stuff, and I must say that I’m really disappointed (again). Time has made itself scarce (this morning not withstanding), and life has really gotten in the way of my hobbies. As a result, this blog…
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Kitchen Sink

The long walk

Can you believe it’s almost October already? I can. I can believe 2006 is three quarters done too. I can believe it’s fall. I can believe the federal fiscal year is over. I can believe lots of things when I wake up on the couch after midnight, discovering that it’s been two hours since I decided I should get up and go to bed. This could be one of the more difficult times to find…
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