Kitchen Sink

Striking fear in the hearts of man.

On occasion I make calls as a part of my job. I call businesses for information about their employees. I introduce myself as a representative of the state’s tax agency, which administers the child support enforcement program – which is where I work. There is always a pregnant pause between my introduction, and the realization on the other end that I am not calling about their taxes.
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Kitchen Sink

You missed the manhole cover.

Driving through a neighborhood, coming home with fast eats, a man is seen doing something rarely seen at home: he was mowing the grass. His path was perpendicular to the street. His heading brought him closer and closer to the curb. Expecting the grimy polo shirt clad gentleman to change direction at the curb, the car continues down the street unabated. Unexpectedly, the grimy polo shirt clad…
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Kitchen Sink

The joy of portable computing.

You haven’t lived until you have done some cordless computing away from home. “Ah, but doesn’t a laptop computer have less power than a desktop computer?” “Pshaw”, I say! Any fool can type at a desk. It takes a special kind of fool to type on an expensive piece of technological wonder balanced on one knee. And let’s not forget the cool factor of opening up…
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Kitchen Sink

Waxing sentimental.

My reputation for single mindedness comes well deserved. I’ve been driving forward in the office as if nothing has changed. After a good hour of hearty production this morning, I noticed a phone message from a recently departed, former coworker. They left a really nice message. Suddenly a productive morning becomes unproductive as my single track downshifts into sentimentality. Someone needs…
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Kitchen Sink

What’s up?

“So, what’s new John?” “Well, not much that anyone but me would find terribly interesting.” “Oh, come on John. Don’t sell yourself short. I’m ready for a tale of domestic bliss.” “Well, I’ve been working on a project involving my online journal. I’ve been importing my entries to a new application I got free from Apple. It…
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