Kitchen Sink


There are some things in this world that I refuse to do. I will not spank my child. I will not listen to country/western music. I will not share eating utensils with others. I will not buy another american car. I will not eat reheated leftovers. Wait a minute… no leftovers? Yes, you heard me right. With almost religious fervor, I have resisted countless overtures to box up, refrigerate, and…
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Kitchen Sink

I looked across the room, and what did I see?

I was at my doctor’s office for my weekly allergy shot. In front of me, in line to check out, was a mother and her little girl. The woman sitting behind the desk was chatting up the mother, but I have no idea what they were talking about. Normally this would not be terribly interesting, and it still isn’t, but I am going somewhere with this. My spider sense tingled when I heard one of…
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AppleKitchen Sink

Getting your money’s worth.

How much is a good song worth to you? Do you believe music is property that should be bought and sold, or do you believe it belongs in the public domain? How do you keep people making music if music is free? I’ve heard several arguments both for and against Apple’s new music download service. For me, it’s a simple moral question. Music is someone’s craft. Like any other…
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Kitchen Sink

It’s here.

Monday saw the debut of the iTunes Music Store. My favorite computer maker has started an online music download store, and I was eager to try it out. The first day I spent five dollars on music, more money than I’ve spent on music in some time. Sure, five dollars isn’t much, but it’s more than I would have spent before. What’s more, I likely will spend even more money that…
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Kitchen Sink

Finding the way.

Someone is flying a plane from South America to Miami. They land in Oregon to ask directions. This is analogous to the situation I was in this afternoon. A young, yuppie couple pull up next to me in a two year old BMW. They have plates which indicate they are from south of here. We are at a red light and we have about thirty seconds before the light changes. There are about 15 miles and a half a…
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Kitchen Sink

There is always room for the opposite of improvement.

I’ve used this space to discuss the frustration of our computers going down at work. Today we suffered something worse: a network slowdown. When the network goes down, there’s just nothing to do, so you give up and amuse yourself some other way. When the network is merely slow it’s a whole new ball game. Now there is something to do, it just takes a maddening amount of time.
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Kitchen Sink

Working from home.

One thing that makes it easier for me to stay home with Beth is that I can usually do some work at home. Let me tell you, working from home is kind of like mowing the lawn. It’s really cool when your father let’s you do it for the first time, and afterwards you wish you had never asked. My problem is that I’m a little too comfortable at home. When you were in school, where did…
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Kitchen Sink

Reading myself.

Believe it or not, I actually read this stuff. I find it interesting to relate to what was going on in my life. When I get over how poorly it is written, it’s kind of cool to relive the moment. In any case, I was reading some of my more recent stuff this afternoon. I’ve come to a conclusion: I’m a bit of a whiner. Believe it or not, it hasn’t all been bad. No, I don’t…
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